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Concocting Poems - Poems about Concocting

Concocting Poems - Examples of all types of poems about concocting to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for concocting.
Premium Member Blue Ink
...* A little tribute to our Inky, to help her get thru the blue days So, when you're feeling down and blue Remember we're all here for you The smiles you bring to every face The way you write wit......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, tribute,
Form: Free verse
...In the realm of deceit, some souls reside, Gullible hearts, fertile grounds for evil to abide. As they sit, concocting chaos, their minds astray, Weaving webs of wickedness, night and day. Thei......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, africa, america, analogy, anti
Form: Lyric

Navajo Story
...Can you hear them? The tribal chants Chanted only when a member advance Can you feel it reverberating in your bones? Can you hear the distant tribal people's tones? With binoculars - watch th......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, society,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Dusk hoover ring dawn ting task of badinage
...Dusk hoover ring dawn ting task of badinage... This hug gust aspiring writer..., albeit youth fool looking imp posse Hubble wordsmith, (i.e. the babbling dad) coon sitters hyperbole insync as a......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, 12th grade, addiction, adventure,
Form: Rhyme
Happy shiny tummy courtesy I REM ember in place of stipend
...Happy shiny tummy courtesy...I REM ember in place of stipend An appetizer, essentially an out of this world guacamole quasi Neptune salad, regarding self taught cook earning prized counterpart......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, adventure, age, angel, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Scaring Little Old Ladies
... Don't know if I've ever told you before But I'm the creative director Of our cool little community newspaper It's quite the people connector It's all about events and the 'goings on......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, fun,
Form: Rhyme
Angel of Arctic Moonrise
... This poem is a special devotion for my mother, who has always been a healing sun for these wintry eyes. Mumma, you're my hope, my strength, my magic and my heartbeat. I'll always find my fairy-......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, child, deep, devotion, love,
Form: Free verse
Heterosexual married sexagenarian male
...Heterosexual married sexagenarian male... Aims to trigger cerebral ******; Other terms for said phenomena are "brain tingles" and "head ******." This sensation is described as a pleasant, ......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, 12th grade, beautiful, drug,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member concocting a youth potion
...I shall do a dish and a dash and a ha ha ha making myself young, so fiddly fah lah lah so saying, the old witch gave a loud gaffaw her cauldron boiled and bubbled next to her bra I pretend to c......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, halloween,
Form: Rhyme
Maiden of Musical Moonshine
... Music is an undying art of soul ~ an abstract eden, where, euphonious unicorns glide in strawberry sonatas, amplifying rhapsody in ballads of flight, when fuchsia feathers tease......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, art, deep, life, meaningful,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Karmic Kismet
...When the Goddess of aroma graces my caffeinated soul, her milky quartz crown shines in shades of ineffable pleasures. Invigorating arabica stars ......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, poetry, poets,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member flavor of remorse
...I am blurred lines circling in spirals into the deadly depths of darkness taste of my remorse is flavored with seasoned cream cocktails of regrets I've been caught on a honed k......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, dark,
Form: Verse
...I should've predicted the dilemma right from the start. When you parked your car, sideways, across my heart. Too far gone to see, too emotionally invested to care. A gradoise illusion to your t......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, angst, break up, goodbye,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Chapter 99 -- Damian Delilah Mallory Dj Damali Nyaf and Rico: the Celebration-- Mass Invitations
...Date: April 2045 An excellent April afternoon blooming. Damali is now 19 years old this Day. Damali was thinking of his future Stretched out at his study desk. He had been enrolled for a ......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, granddaughter,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member The Master of the Wind - a Re-Write
...[Arrhhh… this be a rewrite of a yarn I told, which truly wasn’t tawdry alas, I can but wonder if some thought it would be bawdy. The ‘Neptune’s Daughter’ was a fiction, No inuendo there She’s ......Read the rest...
Categories: concocting, dog, ocean, sea,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry