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Concept Poems - Poems about Concept

Concept Poems - Examples of all types of poems about concept to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for concept.
Premium Member Concept Of Forgiveness
Sitting in solitude, Tuning into tunes unbeaten, Thinking of expanse of horizon, Inhaling wind-blown fragrant lily, Envisioning lateral stance, Seeing through lens kaleidoscopic, Feeling feathery touch of love, Listening through sound of silence, Smiling with concept of forgiveness, Sifting through weights gone weightless, Sipping from...Read the rest...
Categories: concept, adventure, appreciation, blessing, courage,
Form: Free verse
One country controls an another is colonization, ...Read the rest...
Categories: concept, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Lines in the Sand
What is madness if not the body’s way of crying out, “Enough.” It’s not betrayal; it’s a retreat—a firebreak. When the world turns unbearable, the mind bows to its own mercy. It draws a line in the sand and declares, “Here. Not beyond this...Read the rest...
Categories: concept, 9th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Reality Wow What a Concept a song
Reality, wow what a concept lifes provable facts those incontrovertible truths things that stick out and not fall in the cracks Its subject to interpretation you see describing the elephant for the blind this part the leg, that a tail, this part...Read the rest...
Categories: concept, environment, fate, heaven, spiritual,
Form: Lyric
What Concept Meant For Me
What I want is not relationship What I want is a concept A concept is like a seed You look at it every day When you pass it Once a seed is planted It will germinate and bloom....Read the rest...
Categories: concept, desire, imagination, motivation, passion,
Form: Free verse

Beyond the Concept-Activity Based Costing
A One Off Concept as Tends to happen casting to be announced a institutional concept emotion exclusivity concepts of revivalry quality needs not to be negotiated Neglecting the needs of your consumer base undermines your effectiveness pre production is successful at the post production fade Brand recognition offers satisfaction Production within...Read the rest...
Categories: concept, music,
Form: Bio
The Concept
I have an idea for a poem, a collection maybe of all-encompassing rhymes that satisfy each emotion, separately and together. Once it's finished no one will need to write a poem again. There will be an epic that details a personal journey which takes...Read the rest...
Categories: concept, anxiety, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Concept Of War
War is hard at first Complicated at middle Destructive at end....Read the rest...
Categories: concept, conflict, culture, death, war,
Form: Haiku
April 19 Define or celebrate a word or concept Scumbagology
April 19—Define or celebrate a word or concept -Scumbagology Scumbagery is the study Of the actions of a scumbag A scumbag is a narcissistic, sociopathic Self-center person willing to do anything to get ahead no loyalty to...Read the rest...
Categories: concept, political,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Time
I am Time, I do not know Where I’ve come from Nor do I know whither I am going I only know that I started in the past And am going to the future I can’t stop myself even If poets mistakenly...Read the rest...
Categories: concept, birth, death, extended metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Concept Crunch
Flora in its way, fauna in its way; work hand in hand. Uniting all, keeping the health of habitats intact Does my existence incorporate another extant? Do I live and let live as coconuts and palm trees act? Plants...Read the rest...
Categories: concept, environment, life, nature, philosophy,
Form: Sonnet
The concept of money
Money is a man-made commodity, which helps humans extend their validity Money can be in any virtual form, with banknote and coin you can pass the storm It’s name derives from “JUNO MONETA”, a Roman name of...Read the rest...
Categories: concept, business, international, jobs, math,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Reality, Wow What a Concept
Reality, wow what a concept lifes provable facts those incontrovertible truths things that stick out and not fall in the cracks Its subject to interpretation you see describing the elephant for the blind this part the leg, that a tail, this part...Read the rest...
Categories: concept, imagination, psychological,
Form: Rhyme
The Concept of Leaving
If this were my last Regret would be my truest friend Soothing judgements on my brow As she says it is the end Kill me with my carving knife She’s sharpening my skull Poetry’s a morbid story Perfect murder in a drawer She...Read the rest...
Categories: concept, death, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Conceit and Concept Collapse
He's perspicacious he thought Logical science he taught Absurdity filled his head Though philosophies he read...Read the rest...
Categories: concept, conflict,
Form: Verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry