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Complete Poems - Poems about Complete

Complete Poems - Examples of all types of poems about complete to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for complete.
Premium Member Complete
The horizon ablaze with marmalade embers whisper upon the edge of blue sky Vibrant pastel bush strokes stretch out to electrify a calm emerald lake as a slight breeze touches the tree tops with a...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, beauty, emotions, feelings, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member stage four metamorphous complete
Her stage four metamorphous complete She emerged into the beauty of the day Bringing sunlight only a nineteen-year-old beauty can bring...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, beauty,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Complete
Complete does not admit of defeat Replete with trials Tribulations that accrete ...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, endurance, inspiration, motivation, success,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member ''NFC'': Entropy COMPLETE
Energy found its way through the rigorous rigamarole of trial and error of those persistent like the Wright Brothers, the Curies, or Thomas Edison, and others. The close failures were consistent. At the time, based on their hypothesis that...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, death, imagery, racism, war,
Form: Didactic
In the quiet of the night, I would always steal a glance, wishing you’d see me in this dance, your laughter echoes like it’s some sweet serenade, as our hearts beat together, my love will...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, color,
Form: Rhyme

A DAY WHEN YOU’LL HAVE A COMPLETE NIGHT SLEEP- Good day Some day sleep tight All night Ill gain sustain promised sublet Light show Rainbow hostile docile awake await compete Night sleep 11/4/24 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2024© ...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, allusion, analogy, anxiety, endurance,
Form: Footle
World of wonder, on this earth You exist somewhere To make me realize all I'm worth... can take me there. World, I've wandered place to place Wanting to be whole. To be inside your warm embrace... life's only goal. World, I've...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, love, world,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Crumbling Cookie COMPLETE
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A special-Ty license pla-Te had been sen-T to him. He was ve-Ry pleased with I-t when ...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, analogy,
Form: Than-Bauk
Premium Member Ladies From Shanghai: COMPLETE
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A rare good sou-L at Mote-L Six who smel-Led different. ...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, analogy,
Form: Than-Bauk
Premium Member Complete
Living my life to completeness...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, life,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Complete Love
I think love is the only Complete -- needing nothing else; love of health love of wealth (within reason) love of loved ones including self in fact, all of love could not fit on a shelf nor a continent even a sea let loose, would...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, environment, feelings, forgiveness, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Something to Say
Don’t delete me, but complete me With your loving smile Don’t forget me, but accept me In your secret file Please don’t think that I dreamt To be cut free Now the roses you sent Do not bloom for...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, longing, lost love, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Submission complete
On a wave of splendour You came and held me in the clouds warmly silver They took lining rainbow's colour's one's breath away escaped Raindrops sweeping ashes on remains touched sacrifice within my hands your held...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, beautiful, blessing, devotion, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member 10 from the book 2023 complete 1 - 250 on amazon
10 Freedom from bars All I seem to spit Is stars Come on Denise Can’t you see Me on my knees Begging for your love Betraying my life With god above To be with you + nothing to do Let’s watch a movie And i'll fool with you Under...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A complete stranger
How is it a complete stranger can bring out a different emotion or feeling than your loved ones?...Read the rest...
Categories: complete, life,
Form: Monoku

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