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Complementarity Poems - Poems about Complementarity

Complementarity Poems - Examples of all types of poems about complementarity to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for complementarity.

Premium Member Of Locks and Keys
...She is a door creaking with the burden of secrets, he, a latch turned halfway to the outside world. Where she hides tempests, he guards stillness, yet when they come together, there’s a wordless c......Read the rest...
Categories: complementarity, trust,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member For Greener Salvation
...Merely personal green salvation is necessarily incomplete, All by myself, sure to face sinful defeat. Yet universal climate redemption cannot become sufficiently replete, to help my heart fee......Read the rest...
Categories: complementarity, green, happiness, health, mental
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Ecofeminist Blues
...Interesting how dominant or repressed, predative or victimized, winner or loser, positive or negative, show up in so many paradigms of light, beauty, truth; And/Or predetermined prejudici......Read the rest...
Categories: complementarity, culture, earth, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Becoming Righter
...I could be wrong, we might become righter with left bipolarity now left with right tighter co-arising dipolar. A distinction more tangible as bipolar left science didacticals against Right s......Read the rest...
Categories: complementarity, health, humor, integrity, math,
Form: Political Verse
...Whether you’re on the side of Love— With Buddha, Sankara and Husserl, Or on the side of Suspicion— With Nietzsche, Freud and Bloom, The principle of complementarity Works for you, As for Paul R......Read the rest...
Categories: complementarity, science,
Form: Lyric

Premium Member Remembering Radical Relatives
...Explain your historical evolution radically, inclusively, expansively, good-humoredly; not carefully, deductively, reductively, sarcastically. We once had a school of thought among up and comin......Read the rest...
Categories: complementarity, beauty, culture, health, humor,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Sun God's Original Idea
...I'm not much of a writer, more of an activist, a doer, timeless doing. Anyway, my Yang side, which you AnthroTribes might recognize as EcoJustice, emerges from my PositiveYang/NegativeYin Bal......Read the rest...
Categories: complementarity, earth, health, sun, time,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Czarinas of Public Health
...Last night I dreamed I was Czarina of Public Health Education, charged with training co-mentors of health who traveled from house to house with a one question survey, "Which do you experience as ......Read the rest...
Categories: complementarity, culture, earth, education, health,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Homeless Schooled
...Healthy HomeSchool therapeutic mindbody homelife, especially for those who feel and think homeless. Where we learn how everyone is a parasite. Some more benign. Others not so much. But, still......Read the rest...
Categories: complementarity, culture, earth, education, health,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Permaculture's Political Lexicon of Grace
...Compassion, rooted in economic capacity and political experience within a co-empathic nutritional environment; like before you came out of Mom. Nutrition, rooted in deep listening, learning, ......Read the rest...
Categories: complementarity, beauty, earth, education, health,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member What I Didn'T Know
...People, Places, and Things I Didn't Know I Trusted I rather suddenly, and belatedly, realized I trust the highest and best use for language, for every community and communication of faith, for ......Read the rest...
Categories: complementarity, culture, health, love, political,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member I Ain'T Feelin' It
...Could what a political scientist would call deeply held belief also be what a psychologist could identify as a feeling of affinity or aversion, trust or distrust, confluent familiarity or cognit......Read the rest...
Categories: complementarity, culture, freedom, health, humor,
Form: Prose Poetry
Must Savour the First Rain
...Must Savour the First Rain Like love, it comes after a long pining The smell of the first meeting Of the falling water and the fine soil Reminiscent of my first lick of love Disarming my otherwise g......Read the rest...
Categories: complementarity, freedom, happy, , Lullaby,
Form: Lay

Book: Reflection on the Important Things