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Comparative Poems - Poems about Comparative

Comparative Poems - Examples of all types of poems about comparative to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for comparative.

Premium Member Comparative Leadership
I have a friend who is a retired elected official. Like me, he has strong and abiding principles. Most of our interaction is about three themes. I have observed that on two of three fronts, We are unified and...Read the rest...
Categories: comparative, friendship, political,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member A Comparative of Soups
It's true that pork 'n' beans have chunks that are winning And Indian spiced pumpkin sets your heart spinning Pho bo's delightful, cod soup's disarming jjamppong, French lentil --charming Japanese dashi, vichyssoise's sweet tater soup's smashing, pozole's a treat Bread and butter with...Read the rest...
Categories: comparative, food, fun, funny, poetry,
Form: Lyric

Comparative Degree
Engineer Mirza VS Sheikh Sahib Platform: Youtube. Speciality: Teachings Of Islam. Mode Of Speech: Engineer Mirza Elaborative. Sheikh Sahib: Superlative. Quality: Both are opposing violence. Contribution: Sheikh is the founder of International Islamic Propagation Center and Engineer Mirza invented Anti Venom...Read the rest...
Categories: comparative, allah, confidence, courage, creation,
Form: Bio

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Profound Achievement
A Profound Achievement a profound achievement feeds the soul with enduring fruits of its endeavor- but how soon ...Read the rest...
Categories: comparative, inspirational,
Form: Verse
Comparative Analysis of Judgment and Truth
Judgments are often made without The benefit of facts. They rarely ever look beneath The surface of the acts. While truth reflects the facts alone, It sees into the soul. It is the only thing that knows Our motives and our goals. Any...Read the rest...
Categories: comparative, judgement, philosophy, truth,
Form: Rhyme

Splendour Comparative
Twins, entrapped in purity of essence, The woman and the vista; She, for all the world, is real, The other cast interpretive. Models of implicit quintessence, The painting and the sister; She, to be so bold, can feel, The other felt intuitive. Beauty...Read the rest...
Categories: comparative, allegory, art, love, passion,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things