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Common Market Poems - Poems about Common Market

Common Market Poems - Examples of all types of poems about common market to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for common market.

The Hour Is Late
...THE HOUR IS LATE The earth is old and the hour is late Armageddon lay at the gate The Prince of Darkness the fallen one, makes his move the earth to run The beast emerging, the Babylo......Read the rest...
Categories: common market, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member To Brexit Or Not To Brexit
...To Brexit or not to Brexit by Bob Moore One thousand years, it’s almost been since William came to this island green defeated Harold on Hastings Hill to the English it was a bitter pill He ......Read the rest...
Categories: common market, england, patriotic, political,
Form: Rhyme

No On Should Hang Their Head In Shame
...'>I feel a little poem story coming along. You might as well share it now, as it would take me ages to put it in my book 10 of poems. It was written today, 26th June 2016, three days into mourning ......Read the rest...
Categories: common market, adventure, break up, bullying,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Horn Screwed Up Haiku
...Horn Screwed Up Haiku So when you screwed up; Cannot think of what to do; Blame it on system. This is what I am starting to believe. That is what Trump, Bernie and European Common Market (E......Read the rest...
Categories: common market, farewell,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Eu'Rage, Britannia Stage
...Introduction.. An excerpt from a speech by Mr Keith Campbell 1969, On the need of a referendum on joining the 'common market' the people are discussing it up and down the land every day, they want......Read the rest...
Categories: common market, growing up,
Form: Rhyme

Condolences To James Cook
...No longer are we isolated, In this far away country, With the toy of modern society, Internet and satellite TV. A little picture tube, That brings the world to our shore; The Univ......Read the rest...
Categories: common market, satire, world, drug, universe,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Purple Haze
...No more this verdant sight no more the sound No more the heart of mist at nature’s dawn No more victims of constant pressure found No more the fool of man’s enactment borne. To worship a founda......Read the rest...
Categories: common market, confusion, depression, political,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Reflection on the Important Things