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Comically Poems - Poems about Comically

Comically Poems - Examples of all types of poems about comically to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for comically.
Gus, Trainer, of Puppets Mall Exodus III
... And thus began their heroic journey through the fantastical labyrinth of the escape room, where every twist and turn carried the promise of freedom, laughter, and the unforeseen—the perfect remedy ......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Other
mr cottonmouth
...sad and lonely inside, like a hollowed tooth with cyanide groaning and bemoaning about the market, the trade, the money in his bank, thats who mr cottonmouth is a very rich man with a house in his......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, abuse, anger, business, city,
Form: Other

Premium Member EPHEMERA
...A flattened rose mumbles An old cracked button chuckles Tickled by a 2nd place ribbon In the corner a tattered doll weeps Comically consoled by a one-eyed bear Ballet slippers long for a pointed......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, life, memory,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member chapter 152- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Wedding Surprise
...Date: April 4, 2051 Dolly had Molly and Holly delayed In the dinning area while she secured Any loose ends. They had most of The assemblages in place. The aisle The flowers? Delilah had qu......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, allusion, black love,
Form: Alliteration
Map Battle part 1
... In this world, where chaos reigns supreme, I am the voice of the people, the one who leads the dream. My heart beats with a passion that cannot be tamed, I am the fire that ignites t......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, art,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Chapter 148-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Forever Island
...Date: March 2051 3 days until April: Flight time 3:05 afternoon-- IN flight "Dolly and Molly fumbled in their Seat to achieve comfort. "Ooo does This flight have to be this long!" Dolly ......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, 4th grade, absence, adventure,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 142 -- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Holly's Birthday
...Date: September 2050 Warm end of summer night. Slight Breeze a tease manageable season. Pleasing and within reason. Molly Dolly and Holly tended to Their 4 months old infants with moth......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, best friend, birth, business,
Form: Alliteration
A Bizarre Naked Dance
...In Ongata Rongai's club, a memory song weaves, A tale of Newton Karish and daring thieves, Late '90s, New Year's Eve, a lively show, A sold-out crowd, in high spirits, they'd go. Karish, unlike......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, celebration, humorous, new years
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Chapter 1-- Damian Hakim: the Making of the Man- Damian's Early Days
...Date 2008 these are Damian's Formative days. Damian Hakim Was born 2001 August 10th. 8lbs 7oz. Big baby boy! Damian Lived in west Virginia with his Mother Lucinda, father Carter Hakim and h......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, black love, color, confidence,
Form: Prose
...Mind; that nebulous cloud, is not what we suppose it to be. It is not between our ears or eyes, that is merely a rented room. Its lodgings are everywhere. Mind may reside in a starry h......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Driving Silence
...My car-ride silence is not judging you; maybe me, but certainly and more generously unconditionally not angry or shaming or blaming you for unpardonable sins against sainted me. With you ......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, addiction, health, integrity, nature,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member In Suppression of Treason What Motive Or Reason
...Irony, often, enacts comically fatal roles, Brings dignitaries down from their highest pedestal poles; Sometimes, in a symbolically pragmatic costume, Of the protagonist, destruction its role d......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, life, political,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Squirrley Squiggly
...Squirrely squiggly Toughly Triggly Whirly Wiggily Girly Giggily Laughingly happy Graphing her Gaffy Draffingly Draffy Slappily slappy Nonsensical verse Comically inverse Maniacally reve......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Erotic Games
...Players in the stadium Patient as waiting soldiers Seek stirring to signify Attack artillery emboldened Provisions are messages Loaded with fresh opening Responses rapidly fired Lonely's ea......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, cool, metaphor,
Form: Rhyme
Storm Clouds
...In the jumbled backyard of mind they arrive in dark cowls, gather behind an inverse eye, wait there for the eyes themselves to flip those images over into a word chewing anger. Manikins move ......Read the rest...
Categories: comically, poetry,
Form: Free verse

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