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Cocklebur Poems - Poems about Cocklebur

Cocklebur Poems - Examples of all types of poems about cocklebur to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for cocklebur.

Premium Member Cocklebur Song
...Cockleburs on his chin, cockleburs between his toes He has been where the dreaded cockleburs grow. Cockleburs on his head, neck, butt, and his dog tail. Cockleburs are prickly, stickery, and somet......Read the rest...
Categories: cocklebur, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Children's Poems XI
...Children's Poems XI These are poems for children and poems about children and their mothers, fathers, grandmother, grandfathers and extended families. To My Child, Unborn by Michael R. Bu......Read the rest...
Categories: cocklebur, child, childhood, children, father,
Form: Rhyme

Poems About Children Iii
...Poems about Children III Miracle by Michael R. Burch for Jeremy The contrails of galaxies mingle, and the dust of that first day still shines. Before I conceived you, before your heart bea......Read the rest...
Categories: cocklebur, adventure, child, childhood, children,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Just Then
.....just then It was just there, a few weeks ago, When the Sun was high; Nestled with Fleabane; Pillowed in Stitchwort. Barely fern-like and feathery, just new, A small Astilbe, from ......Read the rest...
Categories: cocklebur, autumn,
Form: Blank verse
Indicium snakeroot, yew, cocklebur, poison (ivy, oak, parsnip, sumac, ryegrass, hemlock), blister bushes, daffodil, mayapple, lilium, jerusalem cherry, indian licorice, deadly nightshade, christmas rose......Read the rest...
Categories: cocklebur, life,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things