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Clairvoyance Poems - Poems about Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance Poems - Examples of all types of poems about clairvoyance to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for clairvoyance.

Premium Member Clandestine Clairvoyance
When tangerine tinted tunes within sunset serenades~ unravel saffron symphonies, engrossed in hibiscus hymns of hallelujah~ I swirl to radiant rays of sakura stardust, where mystical monologues of silent angels~ caress...Read the rest...
Categories: clairvoyance, blessing,
Form: Free verse
With a long, blank look Cover the sky with one hand I read her by book....Read the rest...
Categories: clairvoyance, mental health, perspective, power,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Released From Others She Thrives
All she has to do is live her truth Clairaudient certainly for she sees spirits. She also has clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, Her family is discouraging, disappointed, angry. First they try to convince her that what she sees...Read the rest...
Categories: clairvoyance, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Clairvoyance of Insomnia
Every night, Down this road I walk, Clairvoyant in perpetual insomnia, Pencil etches of truth and fantasy, Criss-cross my vision, Fourteen cups of 5am coffee, Still no closer to reality, A solitary car passes me, Like consciousness, Through my net like mind, It escapes me, Streetlights...Read the rest...
Categories: clairvoyance, conflict, confusion, depression, sleep,
Form: Free verse
the fire encircled me n i was melting away into a vanishing mass burnt into ashes, then wake up like like a phoenix later i knew i slept like a baby her persistent warmth,the enthusiasm of the youth the loving enquires n the...Read the rest...
Categories: clairvoyance, romance,
Form: I do not know?

The spirit hovers. I am not interested in a séance. Let me come face to face with the book to share clean or unclean thoughts. Not able to print my deep angst. A clash of cultures. I will call...Read the rest...
Categories: clairvoyance, art,
Form: ABC
Antenna of Clairvoyance
The antenna of my clairvoyance Brings me your picture I see, still I see You at end of the bachelor’s pasture On the...Read the rest...
Categories: clairvoyance, nostalgia, sad, me,
Form: Free verse
Beautiful Clairvoyance
Remember when I was happy? Me singing with a smiling face... It seems so far away, Those memories seem to be misplaced. Its hard to remember, maybe you can help me, to see what you see, Beautiful Clairvoyance. Push those good memories back...Read the rest...
Categories: clairvoyance, introspectionsorry, may, me, sorry,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry