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Choke Up Poems - Poems about Choke Up

Choke Up Poems - Examples of all types of poems about choke up to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for choke up.
The Block
... When I imagined what it would be like to be a writer, I saw myself hunched over a typewriter with bourbon on the rocks sweating a ring onto my desk. I could smell the ink on my fingers ......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, anger, angst, anxiety, depression,
Form: Free verse
Accepting Eternity
...Mental alerts send shocking images, Of an hourglass void of it's sand. I glance down at my watch in confusion, And see it's missing every hand. Realization begins to dawn on me, And I stagger ......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, angel, beautiful, bible, character,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Hollywood's Golden Years
...Ah! The Golden Years of Hollywood And those old black and white movies Some were cinematic disasters But some you could call quite groovy Even now, my heart skips a beat When one appea......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, memory,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Hollywood's Golden Years
...Ah! The Golden Years of Hollywood And those old black and white movies Some were cinematic disasters But some you could call quite groovy Even now, my heart skips a beat When one appea......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, fun,
Form: Rhyme
I Want To Believe
...Haven’t been able to move from this bed Only just turned on my room light at 6 p.m. All these tears pulled out by this sinking feeling I feel like I know you, but do I really? Moved your present ......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, break up, confusion, cry,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Crushing
...Hey boy, I’m crushing on you; Why is that so hard to admit to? You once said you were under my skin, I guess it’s time to tell you I’ve fallen; I hear your voice when I’m all alone 2 am wan......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, crush, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Miss Understood
...I hesitated Sorry I brought up the subject I choke up But he insisted So I blurted it out In the end I bared it all He listened He said he understood And sympathized I didn’t buy it but It ......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, angst, appreciation, confidence, friendship,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Love You Dad
...So many things I want to tell you my Dad But I choke up in tears feeling awfully sad, I grew-up so fast since the day you died Pledging urgently to do well as tears dried. Don't recall listenin......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, grief,
Form: Quatrain
...With a head full of sand from sinking in quicksand I say things some might not approve of They will know when I say the words not to meant reach their ears I have stared once again in crystal a......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, crush,
Form: Free verse
Sweet Seashell Queen
...sweet seashell queen just had surgery to remove a tumor off her brain stem today she celebrates her 6th BirthDay whatever she wants is the law of our world i almost choke up thinking about how br......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, beautiful, birthday, girl,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ineptness Ineptitude
...Ineptness / Ineptitude The pen has become the tongue from which I speak. Ink, the saliva, the driving force behind my words. Paper, the wings upon which they take flight, uplifting my thought......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, psychological,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hollywood's Golden Years
...Ah! The Golden Years of Hollywood And those old black and white movies Some were cinematic disasters But some you could call quite groovy Even now, my heart skips a beat When one appea......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, film, , western,
Form: Quatrain
Tick Tock
...i look at the walls around me bootleg-moonshine shadows dancing a waltz atop nighttide's stage yet i am empty of my own emotion alone, covered in reflections of us. i still smell your scent l......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, loneliness,
Form: Free verse
The Inner-Most Thoughts of a Dandelion
...I am a dandelion and my world is a big meadow. I'm growing on a cliff-side, I like to live on the edge. Just blooming away, soaking up the sunlight beaming at me. Needing a purpose so I can be everyt......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, imagination, nature,
Form: Free verse
The Silence Is Lulling
...Numbness wraps itself around my beating internal organ, blood thickens to a high viscoscious pulp, lungs choke up, air becomes a luxury, I am brought to my knees with a sickening thud I fall to my si......Read the rest...
Categories: choke up, dark, depression, lost, pain,
Form: Alliteration

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