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Chines Poems - Poems about Chines

Chines Poems - Examples of all types of poems about chines to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for chines.
The Water-Well
...The water-well There is near the houses a deep well you can´t stick a bucket on a rope, much ropes were needed. They used to hire a man usually the village idiot to spend his life hauling up buc......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, absence, change, confidence, flying,
Form: Blank verse
Ballad of the Harecastle Tunnel
...The moon shone on the water Dyed ochre by the iron mines. Centuries of men have toiled In trenches and in chines. Carving through the sheer rock face To tunnel under hills Canals to link the......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, travel,
Form: Rhyme

...Armaments Now that the debacle of Afghanistan is behind us we have to find something else to keep the war machine going “Aucan,” an alliance of Anglophone countries are formed A defence o......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, business,
Form: Burlesque

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Well
...The water well There is near the houses a deep well you can´t stick a bucket on a rope many ropes are needed. They used to hire a man usually the village idiot to spend his life hauling up bucket......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, courage, family, feelings,
Form: Blank verse
Food Revolution
...Food Revolution in England That was what a middle-class paper wrote and it could not be more wrong. To eat this esoteric food, you need a thick wallet. most people in England are poor and since......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, abuse, anger, break up,
Form: Blank verse

Premium Member The Dance of the Butterfly
...After the Occupational Therapist told me I’d never walk again (see my poem “What She Said”); I was in shock, but my being turned to my ballet days to recall when my legs were strong and I immediately......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, butterfly, christian, dance, faith,
Form: Free verse
The Days of Thunder
...The days of thunder sometimes i wonder, is life going to take me under, the thunder brangs the rain full of drastic pain, for a plastic brain, my head feels empty to simply apply my mind with emotion......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, addiction, america, animal, anxiety,
Form: Ballade
The Gush
...The gush The moon is full not completely round but elongated and so near I can almost touch it. A pity the moon only reflects the sun it diminishes it somehow. The Chines planted apple t......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, allusion, aubade, deep,
Form: Blank verse
Crabby Morning
...Crabby morning He looked down into the toilet bowl had shat and flushed, 80-year-old going to waste down a drain and into the sea. 70 years ago when he lived on a farm human and Animal waste......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, birth, creation,
Form: Blank verse
A Picture 1960
...A Picture 1960 In the sepia light, a thin man, dressed in a generous grey suit, stands reading titles outside a bookshop, in a London street. A woman, in a long black dress, white blues and ......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, adventure, blessing, boxing day ,
Form: Blank verse
A Bus Ride
...A Bus Ride I took the bus into town today its passengers were mostly elderly, old women and generally fat as women of the land tend to be, busy feeding the family they spend too much time in t......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, deep, discrimination, earth, emotions,
Form: Blank verse
Falling In Love the Chinese Way
...dress-suit occasioned, to the eye perception toasts and canned laughter,in the name of making out can i buy you a drink, the prologue of octopused slumber seated on a cold stool......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, cute love, first love,
Form: Free verse
My Celestial Life
...My life goes on and on without any breaks nor rest it’s like an icicle that melts but never goes away. My life is as perfect as it could be like a rose to be seen A garden of such beauty from ......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, art, beautiful, beauty, care,
Form: Lay
Record Breakers
...Record Breakers. He is 100 and five spends his time in bed his family come up to his room and clean him up, he is windy and it smells like a Chinese egg buried underground for fifty years. And to ......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, humor, money,
Form: Sonnet
...He's a disgrace to the Red Duster someone said: don't say anything or he will slash you, he warned, puking over you like a sea of spray upo......Read the rest...
Categories: chines, war, red, red,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry