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Childlike Poems - Poems about Childlike

Childlike Poems - Examples of all types of poems about childlike to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for childlike.
Let a Man be Childlike Naive
If a man humane is that he ought be, Maybe, his grit’s grounded by child's good grace, Or his contented heart’s always happy, Perchance, he wears a child's innocent face. Good if he’s wise, far...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, child,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Ginger Shots
Today of all days I am dividing my tears into sections, With each moment, with each tear drop and snuffle I makes The paper tissues will always thread, crumbling signs some mishaps in life...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, addiction, allusion, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Little Shelves in Quiet Minds
Little shelves in quiet minds Hold unimagined worlds. Night-time spurs their playtime jaunts. By dawn, a tale reshelves. At times, these tales may reappear To flirt with daytime ponder. If thoughts of ponder dare to shift,...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, dream, imagination, metaphor,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member magical blissful childlike wonder
there was magical, blissful childlike wonder in the sky tonight Many could not see it, for they had lost their ability long ago For those of us who can still see, we were touched Santa and nine reindeer,...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, christmas,
Form: Blank verse
Childlike Love
Mercy dragged fate around our alley, a path taken before, failed, but who cares ? two lucky losers, who determined the ending, in the precipice of nothing. you and I were children in the world, non-existent in love stories, to keep you...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, art, conflict, deep, growth,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Confessions of Childlike Broken Spirit
I confess that as a child the ruthless caused me crippling pain with deeply wounding words and bodily attacks that led me to falter through life. I confess that various family member’s inflicted incessant cruel criticisms that...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, abuse, bullying, child abuse,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Advantage of Being Childlike
What is that? I asked staring into the rainbow mist. There was movement, and it was coming hard and fast. Others did not see, but I ran toward the rainbow. Determined to see what I thought I saw. No...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Confessions of a Childlike Broken Spirit
I confess that as a child the ruthless caused me crippling pain with deeply wounding words and bodily attacks that led me to falter through life. I confess that various family member’s inflicted incessant cruel criticisms that...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, abuse, bullying, child abuse,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Childlike Levity
Childlike levity, a bliss bath Soul’s innate vibrancy Each moment a holy sabbath Free from delinquency Give ego a wide berth Revel in bubbling mirth Beholding soul’s rebirth Defy gravity Childlike levity 16-November-2022 Quietus ...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, innocence, joy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Broken Wishbone
There is a childlike quality Between the two contenders Who vie for the biggest portion The wish that will come true The win that provides anew Second chances, rosy romances Heartfelt enlightenment, delight Within the one who competes For the wishbone’s big dream! I’ve...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, giving,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Childlike Wonder
The wonder of a childlike kind helps keep the person younger and empowers him with the sensation of excitement that is essential to survive difficult circumstances. In addition to this, it infuses their surroundings with vitality,...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, analogy, beauty, child,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Childlike
The best phase of life is childhood, blessed by Him. Child is a symbol of purity and free from all shackles. Children are unattached to both good and bad.Their thoughts, words and actions are free...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, childhood, joy,
Form: Haibun
Childlike Emotions
Cry over spilled milk Laugh and dance the next moment Childlike emotions observed Like a Child Poetry ‘contest Jun 28, 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, children, emotions,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Childlike Wonder Retains Joy
Childlike wonder keeps a person fresh, giving her the sense of play she needs to survive the difficult times. It also brings exuberance, joy and enthusiasm into her world on a regular basis, reminding her that...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, joy,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member To Be Childlike
Somewhere along the way we lose our childlikeness. We must always keep in mind that Jesus said, “[Let] the little children come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such are the kingdom of...Read the rest...
Categories: childlike, children, spiritual, uplifting,
Form: Haibun

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