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Cheekbone Poems - Poems about Cheekbone

A Flower Vase on Top of a Piano
...My neighbor's piano swirls around her finger likened to a keyed car where scrapes linger. She teases out a tune as we both try to hum along with swirling keys her fingers thrum. The naturals ......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, insect, music,
Form: Rhyme
... I was beaten into silence as a young child from my father's brutalizing rage and psychological torture when he beat me. When I was 5, a man exposed himself, to me I ran fast terrified, no wo......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, abuse, anti bullying, bullying,
Form: Free verse

The Flying Dutchman
...Hoisted high Black flags sail, Camouflaged by a misty veil, A bow braced with forward guns, Upon a ship no-one outruns, This sight was seen through a scope, A view of horror crushing all hope, ......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, dark, death, myth, ocean,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Getting Ready
...Silence swarming with noise Sounds blasting, like a war Penetrating proof of the clamorous Blare, blaze, flaming craze Hues of doubt pouring out on the calm Darkness sinking into the heart Hush......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, anxiety, christian, death, eulogy,
Form: Free verse
I Never Had Enough Hate For Myself waste it on anyone else all the reflections are just accidents dust on mirrors a finger swipe away watching the numb eat its way through the pain one jagged mouthful at a time rowed rows of......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member I Lost
...I LOST When my dad called me ugly, stupid and worthless, as that little girl, I lost! When my mother didn't protect me from the cruelty and abuse at home, I lost! When a bad man came in......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, abuse, angst, anti bullying,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dream
...Dream My mirrored reflection silently speaks You honor me with your vulnerability Your scars of life Your unhealed wounds of betrayal Dream journals tattoo your body Your open arms of des......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, appreciation, blessing, child, dream,
Form: Free verse
Good Shade Under Hot Sun
...She woke up to the song of the rising sun Dealt with the domestic chores in one quick run When it's time to set to the duty outdoors, she locked those grotty wooden doors. She joined her friend......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, caregiving, devotion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Snow Dance With Sarah
...I have not known my city as my city when the city snows. There is no snow here. It never snows in Houston. I have seen my city with her cheekbone bruised and with a busted nose and wi......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, i miss you,
Form: Free verse
Parochial Propensities Promote Personal Pet Peeve
...Particularly pronounce abscess, when rites of spring accursedness prevails, asper testament, sans swell scored psychological achiness recording minecrafted history, viz secreting acridness p......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, 6th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Lost
...When Dad called me ugly, stupid and worthless, as that little girl, I lost! When my mother couldn’t protect me from the cruelty and abuse at home, I lost! When a bad man came into my room a......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, abuse, anti bullying,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member No Words
...I was beaten into silence as a young child from my father's brutalizing rage and psychological torture. When I was 5, a man exposed himself, to me I ran fast terrified, no words spoken. When......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, abuse, angst, anti bullying,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Standing On Fame's Edge
...I stand here in front of a fractured mirror Tracing veined lines and blemished pores, That in my waif-like outline I dream About spring’s young complexion…ripe virginal The glint of nubile a......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, beauty, image, mirror,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Frosty's Squeeze
...Frosty's squeeze was Freckles Snow and frosty saw her well. Her button eyes would warm his heart and leave him weak to tell. Her smile was like a clever seal with lips in brilliant red. The t......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, absence, appreciation, beauty, character,
Form: Quatrain
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
...YESTERDAY Tears dripping down as I watch my baby suffer in silence, for this afflicted disease has no understood known cure- I can handle family disputes, madness and worldly violence, ......Read the rest...
Categories: cheekbone, baby, daughter, death, grief,
Form: Quintain (English)

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