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Chaperones Poems - Poems about Chaperones

Chaperones Poems - Examples of all types of poems about chaperones to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for chaperones.
... As emotion's embolism petitions a mirror sea for endless blue transparency- through oculat lens flare, an albionic estuary garden variety of pleasures appears, obligatiry- in f......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, art,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Helicopter Parent
...she is overprotective, pushing helicopter parenting craziness to the edge she chaperones her daughters on dates, sitting in the middle of boy’s car father is at the end of his patience, perched on......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, parents,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Fifty-Three Souls
...The rig rolled through Laredo On the road to San Antone, Its eighteen wheels of commerce Headed north from parts unknown. The shipping costs all paid to Their coyote chaperones. The pla......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, allegory, america, anger, immigration,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Stained Glass Pane
...One day— The sea will be my backyard Every morning, standing upon the deck Of the one called Going Numb A “Greatest Dad” mug in one hand My last vice burning orange in the other I wi......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, age,
Form: Free verse
Poetry In Motion
...Poetry in motion Take me out … the ballgame bats and balls a'soaring Root, toot, toot … the home team 'round the bases scoring. Poetry in motion Daddy and daughter dance …......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, 11th grade, dance, poetry,
Form: Monchielle Stanza

Premium Member Why --- Because
...Mommy, Jim, Bob, and the guys are going to climb Ole Rocky Ridge. Can I go too, Huh, please can I go. Please, pretty please! No, you can’t go. You know a boy was badly hurt up there last year. Com......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, children, fun, growing up,
Form: Free verse
The Old Phonoghaph
...A two-tone case of blue and white to house euphonious delight It graces still the table top on which it played its first “Doo-wop” I’m thinking of......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, appreciation, fun, memory, music,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member God Sent Me
...March 1980 An insistent internal voice told me take a library book back I had just sat down after bathing three little girls I was exhausted The voice would not leave me alone I finally asked my......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, faith, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Christmas Party
...Christmas meant a party At the company club. It was fun guessing whose dad Would dress up as Santa Claus. As we gathered, the carols played And one by one, chaperones led Unwilling boys to b......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, anniversary, celebration, nostalgia,
Form: Free verse
Christmas Party
...Christmas meant a party At the company club. It was fun guessing whose dad Would dress up as Santa Claus. As we gathered, the carols played And one by one, chaperones led Unwilling boys to b......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, anniversary, celebration, nostalgia,
Form: Free verse
State of the Art Iv
...State of the Art (IV) These are my "ars poetica" poems about the art and craft of writing poetry. Hearthside by Michael R. Burch “When you are old and grey and full of sleep...” — W. ......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, art, muse, poems, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Voyage To the Brink
...With spacetime ripples come dark energy waves Emanating from the ether tainted forces hold me slave What sort of person fly’s kites after dark One with many issues hiding Cains invisible mark ......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, dark, depression, voyage,
Form: Rhyme
...Hearthside: an Imagined Sequel to "When You Are Old" by Michael R. Burch “When you are old and grey and full of sleep...” ? W. B. Yeats For all that we professed of love, we knew this night w......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, age, divorce, fire, ireland,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member High School Dance Dwm
...It was a Friday, and I was excited about the High School Dance that night. I wore a yellow chiffon dress up to my knees with black Patton leather pumps. Students stood, jumping, and danc......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, dance, fun, music, school,
Form: Free verse
Otomo No Sakanoue No Iratsume Translation
...To a Daughter More Precious than Gems by Otomo no Sakanoue no Iratsume loose translation by Michael R. Burch Heaven's cold dew has fallen— and thus another season arrives. Oh, my child living ......Read the rest...
Categories: chaperones, child, childhood, children, daughter,
Form: Tanka

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