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Centipede Poems - Poems about Centipede

Centipede Poems - Examples of all types of poems about centipede to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for centipede.

Premium Member I Came Upon a Centipede
I came upon a centipede whose family was in need - sad news. How, said I, can I assist? Let's write a shopping list - please choose. There's just one thing that, for us, you can bring - that's...Read the rest...
Categories: centipede, insect, silly,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Critterature: A Word About the Centipede
Please don't think it odd if I intercede On behalf of the poor lowly centipede. Though he does get the blues When he has to buy shoes, He's better off than his cousin, the millipede. ...Read the rest...
Categories: centipede, humor,
Form: Light Verse

Centipede Stitches
I’ll never forget the beauty of a stare unabashed and unwelcome in its own right The public spaces in which my mind unravels from cords pulled tight against hollow lobes The centipede that stitches them both together in the fading light with tiny...Read the rest...
Categories: centipede, animal, creation, earth, seasons,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Fear
Multi-legs frighten me! Centipedes and spiders make me jump on a chair- up I flee! Each of them scores! Creepy legs crawl, then run- huge scare deplores! Fear streams as my lungs blare screams! Multi-legs frighten me! Creepy legs crawl, then run- huge scare screams! ...Read the rest...
Categories: centipede, fear, insect,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Haiku Centipede-
be as it may be moving forward marching fleet are the many feet ~ of allotted steps march, March stepping steps walking left right left stepping ~ it may be as be moving forward marching fleet of the centipede 9/16/23 written words by James Edward Lee Sr...Read the rest...
Categories: centipede, analogy, beautiful, cute, engagement,
Form: Haiku

Walk With a Centipede
Took my centipede on a walk We were only going around the block And before long I knew I circled the block once, he twenty-two That centipede stepped on my toe Hurt so bad I had to slow Stepped on it...Read the rest...
Categories: centipede, animal, pain,
Form: Rhyme
I Wish I Weren'T a Centipede
I WISH I WEREN’T A CENTIPEDE by JOHN M. ARRIBAS I wish I weren’t a centipede, a lowly arthropod I need a transformation into something much more mod To obtain status, with a much higher species standing Not be straddled with...Read the rest...
Categories: centipede, 8th grade, allusion, fun,
Form: Rhyme
Sam the Centipede
Sam the centipede’s arithmetic was bad When counting to 100 it was so sad Even though he had a 100 legs without dread He found it difficult as an abacus to get ahead For he would get to...Read the rest...
Categories: centipede, children, nature,
Form: Ballad
My mind's a snail's trail winding down my throat Glittering triumphantly over the mountain peaks of each day A fragmenting centipede of dead ideas several years long Constantly chasing its growing tale, that's come full circle Trimming a slimy...Read the rest...
Categories: centipede, how i feel, nature,
Form: Free verse
Heart of a Centipede
You got a hundred lovers, including me Every one of us give you something that you need But you really only need us after that, when your fire starts getting low, and your house gets cold You only need us when...Read the rest...
Categories: centipede, love hurts, metaphor, sad
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Centipede Scare
A centipede found its way into our home My hairs stood on end for hours on end! And while we tried learning about it on Google search, in a dark and damp crevice it made its...Read the rest...
Categories: centipede, fear, giggle, insect,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Centipede Dismay -Trochee
Centipede so tiny crawls trekking on a fence hundred legs, he never falls I watch in suspense… My two feet are bad, you see, pain comes when I walk. Should I be a centipede, you would hear me squawk! *Entry for Andrea’s 7/5...Read the rest...
Categories: centipede, animals, funny,
Form: Verse
When you touch me I circle like a centipede following to the rhythm of its coiling body as you fondle hunger with your eyes and I feed you with my soft cries the moon washed in the sky’s water draped...Read the rest...
Categories: centipede, loss, love, passion,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things