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Caverns Poems - Poems about Caverns

Caverns Poems - Examples of all types of poems about caverns to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for caverns.
Premium Member Caving Disaster at Mossdale Caverns
Ten adventurers went caving in Yorkshire Dales, England in 1967. It was a gorgeous June day, so they were in terrific spirits. Four of them decided not to continue a few hours later, unsure why. The remaining six...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, history,
Form: Narrative
Ohio Caverns
We form a queue around a small million-year-old blossom, are captivated by dripping peaks of creeping continuum. Rainbow striations in bezels of stillness, then the power fails. A pitch black of nothing quashes carriage and mien. Minds shrink like dark stars, then the yellow flicker of a...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, poetry,
Form: Free verse

The drop of water Natures only noise Curiosity caught her Had no other choice Hands, trembling Flashing eyes Integrity disassembling Cave, stone skies Man made, cracking pillars Holds up uneven rock The innocent are killers Ringing sound, a mocking jay mock Deeper she wades Heart pounding harder Light...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, death,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Ohio Caverns
We form a queue around a small million-year-old blossom, are captivated by dripping peaks of creeping continuum. Rainbow striations in bezels of stillness, then the power fails. A pitch black of nothing quashes carriage and mien. Minds shrink like dark stars, then the yellow flicker of a...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Secret Caverns of Mexico
My cavern bursts with bittersweet aura — like globose berries, a cluster of tints. The secret place — its musk, amidst the flora, a limited conquest of feet — their prints. Excitement rocks — I wade in hidden space. My...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, adventure,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member Caverns of Delight
caverns of delight glistening and inviting soon welcoming stars...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Within the Caverns of My Mind
Deep within the caverns of my mind where few imploring souls have ever wandered, there residing secrets you will find, and all the deepest thoughts I’ve ever pondered. Thoughts of happiness and love and life that wrap around my dreams...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, dark, deep, introspection, self,
Form: Rhyme
Ravenous Rats Capture Our Caverns
Ravenous rats in our lives Determined to nibble the nipples Stabbed by knives Cutting tenuous triples in ripples Undulating and ululating In horror At the humiliating and excruciating Error and terror Erstwhile partners and associates Commit or omit To implicate affiliates Whose remit Captures, raptures and sutures...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, poems,
Form: Free verse
Sonnet To Carlsbad Caverns
Antibacchic Meter Deep cave, stalactites, stalagmites adorn thy black hollows where flowstone with cave made gems lie like pearls placed by far sea oysters. White colored calcite runs grace thy walls, limestone tubes yea show here. You seem sphere...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, nature,
Form: Sonnet
Scarred Caverns
For what we harm, let peace touch not us but cast afoot deep within scarred caverns to find alas it is in this everlasting hollow that roots find life...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, deep,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Caves and Caverns
CAVES AND CAVERNS ...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, mountains, nature,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member On Visiting the Luray Caverns
On Visiting the Luray Caverns When I was a child in my younger days My parents took me to the caverns of Luray It was a place with huge, colored stalactite forms With sharp stalagmites rising to meet the...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, beauty, earth, nature,
Form: Couplet
Caverns of the Heart
Cracked crevasses miles deep Explode in thundering booms as they spread into hollow and empty rooms Replacing the chambers of a bursting heart with desolate echoing caverns Splitting what remains apart unraveling the fabric of our life at the seams We are carved by...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, life, loss, memory,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member From Your Heart's Caverns
from the heart's caverns fly out the malicious bats your poisoned winged words Eileen...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, dark,
Form: Senryu
Caverns of the Mind
Deep and dark are the caverns of the mind, filled with memories of days gone by. Twisted thoughts of the things we left behind, all the painful things we try to hide inside. All these curving tunnels...Read the rest...
Categories: caverns, introspection, life, people, sad,
Form: Free verse

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