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Caught Poems - Poems about Caught

Caught Poems - Examples of all types of poems about caught to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for caught.
I was caught
I know she is strong, I know she is independent, I know she is courageous, I also know she is a little impatient, I know she is curious, I know she is adventurous, I know she loves to explore, I also know...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, adventure, child, cute, travel,
Form: Free verse
Caught Up, Again
Let me see your hands! I need to see your hands! Face forward, Turn to your right, Click, click, click. Roll in. Squat and cough. Change out. Open your mouth and lift your tongue, Say ahhhhhhhhh. I need to see a badge, Your I.D. need to...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, addiction, cry, farewell,
Form: Free verse

Caught in a Snow Globe
Ivory flakes fluttering down, Turns the ground into white from brown, A soft blanket of silver snow, Kisses from heaven sent below; It clothes the earth with milky mark, Has that extra glittering spark, God rains...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, seasons, snow, winter,
Form: Kyrielle

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Caught among the Wild
His meds kept Andrew sane He lived with us, no one to blame But one day he refused his pills I knew what that meant, a battle of wills. In a few days voices told Andrew to leave. He vanished,...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, america, crazy, father son,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Caught
Caught I am caught in a web of your deceit I’ve tried to escape but can’t I am your prisoner ...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, truth,
Form: Kimo

Premium Member Caught in The Dance
It would be good to be a thought set free of what holds it here in time and space, to go wherever a whim might take it, some far galaxy or a small pond in a garden bathed in moonlight. It...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, space, spiritual, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Caught In A Web, They Cannot Dis-enmesh
You, with your everlasting sorrow mom deserve nifty hands and healing ways of You, who always loved with the truest calm now sit bereft of food and needs God's glove You, the womb that bore...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, appreciation, earth, nature,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member To remain silent the entire day, like a leaf caught in a corner of the wind
To remain silent the entire day, like a leaf caught in a corner of the wind, without news, without voices, just an ocean of deep silence, filling empty rooms where even echoes no longer dare to return, as...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member All night I was caught in the web of thoughts about you
All night I was caught in the web of thoughts about you, An unexpected but enchanting muse, Wandering through the labyrinth of your deep, terrifying eyes, A smoldering ember of desire burning within me. Your passionate whispers, a seductive...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Caught in the Rain
My water bottle holder Has a pocket meant for keys Or a tissue or some money Or whatever else you please. When I went out walking yesterday, I thought I’d beat the rain, But the sky grew dark and so my...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, rain,
Form: Rhyme
Caught me off-guard
Your eyes prevent me from thinking a lot, yet let you prey on my mind. Cannot really describe the happiness they plot Because in my mind, there is a lot to find. They always find their way to my...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, cute love,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member woman who could not be bought or caught
she was a woman who did what she ought with a smile that was a hundred watt all of her causes were valiantly fought her integrity cannot be taught confident since she was a tiny tot she does not fit...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
On a freaky Friday night Right in the scene I was caught drinking My father's beer Smoking his cigarettes. While listening curiously My parents favorite song. They traveled for a tour They're not coming soon I...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, africa, art, crazy, creation,
Form: Narrative
On a freaky Friday night Right in the scene I was caught drinking My father's beer Smoking his cigarettes. While listening curiously My parents favorite song. They traveled for a tour They're not coming soon I...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, africa, art, crazy, creation,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Caught in Its Act
A grumpy day once came my way sat down beside me, moping Conjuring my best smile I asked...Read the rest...
Categories: caught, day, hope, life, sweet,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry