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Catch One Poems - Poems about Catch One

Something Brutal To Catch One
...Trying to catch a catfish Can't catch a single one Something to grab a stone And poke it in the head At last, I catch one.......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, courage, life, perspective, violence,
Form: Free verse
...Another sunny day out for me Fishing is where I will be I load up my car with my fishing gear And I will go and see if the lake is all clear I add a worm to my fishing pole Catching a big fish ......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, adventure, dream, fish,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member They Gathered Outside My House
...Unlike the model T Ford They come in both black and brown And also unlike model T It’s brown that is getting me down But what I refer to is no early car And it isn’t a cute little mouse It’s......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Unclaimed fallen leaves
...Spring winds clean winter branches Leaves billow far from home A maple tree sheds its own in tune No one is around to collect them Flat and perfect to be pressed in a book Unlike humanity’s tree......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, august, death, farewell, freedom,
Form: Free verse
furry mice
...Furry mice Many years ago, I was in Houston (Texas) to victualize a new cargo ship, back then a ship carried a large crew for all the functions needed. The ship chandler was keen to show me h......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, 6th grade, abortion, adventure,
Form: Blank verse

Premium Member Pumpkin's Eye View
...We bought a pumpkin at the store…the prettiest one we’ve seen while we’re in the mountains…it’s our nod to Halloween. “Where should I put the pumpkin?" I asked, for even at pumpkin decorating I’m......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, halloween,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member - Bright Stars -
...look up at the skies the diamonds on black velvet - enchanting beauty with......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, beauty, nature, stars,
Form: Other
Dead Slow
...A dead cat there on the road. A cat well known hereabouts; tabby and bulgy with one ear floppy. it used to hunt hedgerow birds though I never saw it catch one. It would hiss when it missed......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, poetry,
Form: Free verse
That Bird Outside My Window
...I sit and I wonder. I wonder and I sit. Moments dance together, not worrying where they fit. Each of my thoughts hug me one by one, As I stare out at the smiling sun. A bird sits outside my ......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, appreciation, beautiful, encouraging, hope,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Emerald Isle
...The Emerald Isle lies misty green, an ocean's gem, a land between the water's edge and blue of sky, her magic wonders seldom seen. For those who know her can't deny although, in truth, they wo......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, fairy, ireland,
Form: Rhyme
Perfect Day
Categories: catch one, weather,
Form: Sonnet
Mat the Cat
...Mat the Cat had a hat Mat the Cat, he was so fat He could not fit the hat on his head So he gave it away instead Mat the Cat had a habit He likes to hear the frogs ribbit He went to cat......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, 1st grade,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member History Is Speaking
...Perhaps it means nothing, nothing at all. Why should we stand together? Why should we catch one another when we fall? History is speaking and we choose not to hear. All the sacrifices made for ......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, abuse, appreciation, betrayal, corruption,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member O' Lord God I Wanna Be a Fisherman -
...Is it better to be a fishing pole or a fisherman all I know the end result is just I just want to be one of God's fisherman to at least catch one soul at a time 8/22/22 Written wo......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, analogy, blessing, caregiving, dedication,
Form: Free verse
Make Our Obi-Edient Pay
...Make our obi-edient pay I wish this big plans Are not just for your political elevation sir On another expense of the people Despite we see you as the best Candidate I hope you are for real......Read the rest...
Categories: catch one, africa, dedication, feelings, inspiration,
Form: Epic

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