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Casted Poems - Poems about Casted

Casted Poems - Examples of all types of poems about casted to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for casted.

Premium Member Casted Stones
As I ride the winding roads away from smothering waves of hypocrisy, I cross the line into freedom through valleys, soft breeze and fluent rivers Decorated with weathered rocks and bordered by empty picnic tables The multi-colored mountains...Read the rest...
Categories: casted, freedom, mountains,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member To Late Repentive Soul Now Casted To Hell
As I run from your goodness Your righteousness, should be my completeness But I have digress, guess I've yes, transgressed You are but so ever meaning full putting the rapid before the hole Spiraling down, spinning round spinning down Rapid desension,haven't...Read the rest...
Categories: casted, appreciation, inspirational,
Form: Pastoral

Premium Member Casted Down Evil Angels and Satan
CASTED DOWN EVIL ANGELS AND SATAN angels and demons come they share the same glory for God and glory angels and demons fly, fly, fly angel away demons dies angels Michael, Gabriel just two of God's archangels kick out heaven the old serpent...Read the rest...
Categories: casted, angel, appreciation, betrayal, depression,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

From the expression of love We hate those things that makes us uncomfortable. Then, feminism comes to mind at once. Flayed heart beckon, systems governed lust, another whitish world at heart, fragmented substances made us, we're...Read the rest...
Categories: casted, abuse, africa, art, betrayal,
Form: Blank verse
The Type-Casted
angry because the role that led them to the top, is the only one that anyone remembers, the actor/actresses trudges through the rest of their career as if this was their proverbial “cross to bear”--- but how many actors/actresses are every really...Read the rest...
Categories: casted, life,
Form: Free verse

Casted Into the Shadows
From the light and into the darkness I was casted, And thought how the sun could never burn me when I flew, But always told how the moon and the stars would always shine a path for...Read the rest...
Categories: casted, inspirational
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry