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Captived Poems - Poems about Captived

Captived Poems - Examples of all types of poems about captived to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for captived.

Premium Member Quest
...To see the world through eyes of peaceful means and honor the reasons for right and wrong to learn from failure, and what wisdom gleans and redeem the truth no matter how long this is my quest fo......Read the rest...
Categories: captived, integrity, life,
Form: Sonnet
Our Beloved Page Two
...Page 2 With the force of a thousand storms, I turned to face you. When they dragged our beloved off I thought that I would lose my mind. I shouted loud enough to stir the crows. You caused thi......Read the rest...
Categories: captived, grief,
Form: Narrative

Set Me Free
...I will start for love And I will end for love. You as a whopper In love like a mother, I didn't see why you Let me captived in queue Of infants of love. You showed me love So I ain't a dealer......Read the rest...
Categories: captived, 10th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Hunger Hunger
...Hunger hunger, the enemy that fights intestines. It keeps on demanding even when you have lost a mother on Hunger Hunger. Even when you are sick hunger keeps on demanding. Even when you......Read the rest...
Categories: captived, anger, , atheist,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Doing What's Right - the Free Flow Style
...~Doing What's Right~ ( Free Flow Style ) Many seek "stardom" by destroying their self, To get into the so-called media-spot light, But Daniel achieved this in a better way, When he and ......Read the rest...
Categories: captived, faith, hope, inspirational, love,
Form: Free verse

Songs of the River Goddess: I those crevices of the ancient rock within the deepset soul of my river along the tight passages of my kin-folk sings the singing goddess of my river – & her songs awoke the sleepy moon & her ......Read the rest...
Categories: captived, visionary,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Doing Whats Right
...~Doing What's Right~ (Sonnet) Many seek "stardom" by destroying their self, To get into the so-called media-spot light, But Daniel achieved this in a better way, When he and his......Read the rest...
Categories: captived, bible, christian, god, inspirational,
Form: Sonnet
...Each breath, Captived by butterfly nets. Lungs of blessing to confined, In living, Every moment. Filtered through the heart, Imprisioned within the treasure chest, Memory of reminding, Each w......Read the rest...
Categories: captived, happiness, hope, imagination, life,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry