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Caliri Poems - Poems about Caliri

Caliri Poems - Examples of all types of poems about caliri to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for caliri.
...Fistful butterflies sway along with the wind. Ever frolicking through the vibrant desires. Fistful sand slipping down in haste. Unbothered about the delays and tussles around. Fistful days fl......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, cheer up, confusion, destiny,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member This Book Is Closed But It Never Opened
...3min Write Poetry Contest Sponsor-Matt Caliri here I am escorted by doom and courted by gloom it's a sad predicament like being a crab without pinchers so to speak but I keep moving at th......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, farewell, sad,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Last taste of summer
...palmlike branches sway in a late august breeze as the afternoon sun languishes the waiter brings my glass of sauvignon blanc and i feel decadent alone at a table for four just me and my muse......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, august, farewell, nature, summer,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

A mountain's perspective
...Always reaching, always stretching is the moto I was born with Basking in the sun's warm daily embrace is my walk. Darkness doesn't cause me fear because the twinkle of the......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, mountains,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Life
...The Life Acrostic Poetry Contest Sponsor-Matt Caliri Life can be a blossom It starts with a seed Flourishing and taking root Enduring and then letting go......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, life,
Form: Acrostic

Life: An Acrostic
...Like leaves we are, clinging on to dear life In a world buffeted by winds and storms Forever struggling to fit diff’rent norms Even losing sometimes amidst the strife. 4th Place The Life Acros......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, 7th grade, analogy, life,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Life
... Written: April 22, 2024 For Matt Caliri Acrostic Contest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Life entails success over stress without distress Inviting the......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, life,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Life
...Life L- Little moments that create a bigger joy, I- Inside the heart of every girl and boy. F- For living is the sum of experience one by one, E- Ever in the past and ever more to come. ......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, joy, life,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Hope my final sigh is Relief
... Written: March 31st, 2024 for Matt Caliri Coagulation Contest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally, my blood began to coagulate; I am initially concerned over p......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, analogy, body, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Perfect Crimes
...Please read the rules above. Obey, Lest you receive a quick “NA.” So many fail to read my rules, So many fail to heed them. Fools! There’s quite a few, yes, I agree, Take note of number fifty-......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, poems,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member DIVORCE poetry contest - 12-19-2023
...D-evotion In Vain; Open Rawness Consuming; Ex-spouse I-nconvenience; neither one willed to stay the course V-intage it is of matrimony failing; now get back on the horse O-ccurred in percentages t......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, break up, divorce,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Divorce
...Decisions in life are like a busy road crossing, Insecure, fearful, uncertain, riddled with hazards, Vicious words criss cross like fast vehicular traffic Old lov......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, feelings, heartbroken,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Divorce
...Written 23 November 2023 Divorce Poetry Contest Sponsored by Matt Caliri Divorce Day in day out I reel with dee......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, emotions, feelings, inspirational,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Communique
...The door is closed The shutter down No voices heard Now out of town Portcullis, locks A barricade Small chance to rescue What was made The landing pad A storm does seize To wildest r......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, confusion, forgiveness, friendship,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Staid Verse - Trek Across Coziness
...Written: August 26, 2023 Pour Your Heart Out Sponsored by: Matt Caliri ______________________________________________________________ In a world......Read the rest...
Categories: caliri, analogy, appreciation, beauty, metaphor,
Form: Rhyme

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