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Butted Poems - Poems about Butted

Butted Poems - Examples of all types of poems about butted to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for butted.
Premium Member those days are gone
...I have five hobbies Do them all day long now that I am retired Cartooning, painting, poetry Tv binge watching Playing with my dogs I used to garden But my knees won’t bend any more I swam and ......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, me,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member the sky and I
...a fast moving sky fluffy grays with glimpses of white it looks like a foreign planet butted up against earth I watch it calmly float by trying to see if it is rotating on an axle it senses my in......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, sky,
Form: Personification

Premium Member bed buddies
...wet noses are cold butted up against my face overtaking the bed......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, animal,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member 100 per cent CAGE FREE
...Robins seem to enjoy my yard Awaiting the coolness of dewed mornings To awaken the wriggling worms A seasonal offering favored by the feathered ones Dandelion waiters tend to the color and flav......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, garden, nature,
Form: Verse
Smokey Wilson
...Smokey hailed from someplace back in Missouri was a slave until the ripe old age of ten Left his master's home headed to Montana and swore they would never hear from him again Started out in th......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, poetry,
Form: Rhyme

A New Language
...The new language It was late August, on a glaringly hot day, when I felt dizzy went to sit on a gigantic carob tree full of beans on thick leaves to sit in its cooling shade; it was pitch dark ......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, abuse, anger, best friend,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Last Chance Cafe
...I entered Last Chance Café feeling quite a bit leery. How would I get my life answers in a place this dreary? Welcome to Last Chance! The waitress said with mirth. She wore at least eleven hundred......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Alfred In the Wilderness
...Alfred and the wilderness Alfred, who with the greatest of ease tells, me he is not my father and Olga, he had a brief affair with In Belgrade, is not my mother we went for a walk across a gre......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, blessing, humor,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member I Once Had a Goat
...I once had a goat who loved to swim I enrolled him at our local gym I know, I know, it was just a whim! Do tell! He did rather well in beginners’ match Girl swimmers thought him qu......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, humor, silly,
Form: Tail-rhyme
Premium Member Going To Celebrate the Jubilee
...We are all going to celebrate the jubilee! Buzzed the over dubiously excited bumblebee. Do we have to pay in pollen? Is there a fee? Asked his cousin Jeremy who almost dropped his tea. Will of ......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member This Is Your Moment
...This is your moment This is the time when you need to rise. There is no back door to the house That is butted up against the hardness of your memory. Always, the only Way out is through wh......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, change,
Form: Free verse
Waves of Loneliness
...Waves of the sea of darkness Break …. Break … Break against cotton cloud rocks, and heighten my loneliness. Calves that hopped around, and bulls that smelled the scent of love, and butted t......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, loneliness, night,
Form: Free verse
...Craving to own a doe Alone, begot he as his tool a mid-day brawl With his foe, And butted his Foe bereft arms and had a fall And this Did draw Loin down - a small Flow. Craving to ow......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, conflict, crazy, hilarious,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Big Butted Gal
...Charm is a big-butted gal, he said proudly. In a braggadocio way, and he said it too loudly. Her ma in the kitchen smirked and repeated. He was swiftly kicked and repeatedly cleated. For that b......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
...I couldn't explain to you what the life is and why! even I could not understand why am I addicted butted and bounded to certain circles! I could never break the boundaries ; Too far to flying wh......Read the rest...
Categories: butted, humor,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry