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Bulimia Poems - Poems about Bulimia

Colors Blue the color of her eyes That hid the pain The ones that ahead the tears When no one is near The ones that have the glow even When the tears flow Red the color of her...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, color, depression, emotions, mental
Form: Spoken Word
Suck it up
My stomach wants to be slim, pure, empty, Yet the phrase “dinner is ready!” Never fails to tempt me. Suck it up and puke it out. The porcelain bowl filled to the brim, Every time hunger comes, I begin to...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, 10th grade, bullying,
Form: Free verse

The Art of Being Empty
The Art of Being Empty I was baptized in the TV light of The Biggest Loser and worshipped a version of myself that I believed could go forty days without eating, like Jesus. ...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, anxiety, food, health,
Form: Free verse
On Healing
Sometimes healing is messy It is a rollercoaster Ups and downs Sometimes I can handle it Other times I lose control I say I am in recovery for my bulimia But I still struggle I still consider pushing myself that extra...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, anxiety, health,
Form: Free verse
It's Ironic That It's Called the Throne
bowed before you once again i’m worshipping you when i said i wouldn’t bent in half i’m surrendering both my dinner and my fears knelt down before you my legs tremble my hands and chin drip hunched over you i am...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, body, depression, image, me,
Form: Free verse

The Fork
food isn’t seen as fuel and nourishment, food is seen as guilt and shame your bones wear thin and your hair falls out in clumps you see your ribs when you lift up your shirt and...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, child abuse, corruption, hate,
Form: Sonnet
when i was younger, a meal out at a restaurant wasn’t a weeks worth of skipping breakfast it wasn’t laxatives to make me feel worth something. since i was a child, the word fat has...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, anxiety, child,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Bulimia
Eat Eat Those words I hate This isn’t a cry, I just hate the way it taste as its greasy eyes and melted sun linger over the bun. A whisper lingers in my ear, spilling hurtful little lies. Clinics and shrinks...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Little Lipstick Could Not Hurt
A little lipstick could not hurt. But she was eight, and refused lunch after it was on. She thought she was "fat" now, and she wanted to be thin. I caught her wearing scarlet nails the Tuesday after...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Blank verse
Four Stages of Fire
1. INCIPIENT the smell of burning body helps me sleep at night i'd rather ignite this spark in my stomach than shove bread down my throat singe this hollow home choke these lungs with bone dry soil so nothing...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, food, health, moving on,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sassy Pot-Ish Non-Chic
I weigh two six and twenty-tons today Fat in unforeseen directions, I make cars cringe, when I frolic and play And I welcome no corrections. Mighty fine in my well-endowed blubber, Sassy pot-like, in my non-chic. Whale-ish me, trice big...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse
Bulimia Nervosa
Through smokey eyes, there lies a girl whose innocence begins to materialize To her surprise no one can hear her cries because she's all alone in her masked disguise Don't blame her, blame the world Blame this girl she thought...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, body, deep, depression, image,
Form: Rhyme
Sin of impulse A moments pleasure To dive for pearls, a far deep treasure of the mind and senses Keep going, can't stop, binge and lose all pretences of self control. Drowning out or off the rails, whatever...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, depression, food
Form: I do not know?
Emotional Bulimia
Have you ever realised that everything you miss is not all that special or good to begin with? Vomiting away my days, it feels like bulimia. You say you need your own way, like drug-fuelled paranoia. I take advantage of myself; I’m wasting time...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, confusion
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Bulimia
Fine foods leave behind a clean plate Great meals create stomachs oblate But bodies too fat Crave abdominals flat And can't wait to regurgitate...Read the rest...
Categories: bulimia, food
Form: Limerick

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