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Broken Heart Poems - Poems about Broken Heart

Broken Heart Poems
Broken Heart Poems - Examples of all types of poems about broken heart to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for broken heart.
Title: Reflections of a Broken Heart
(Verse 1) In the quiet of the night, I hear your laughter, Echoes of a love that came and went so fast. Looking at the stars, I wonder what you’re after, While I sift through...Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, beach, cancer, fathers day,
Form: Lyric
No Greater Wish than Sweet Companionship
I’ve long since been gone but now I wish to return, if you’ll let me. I was down the thorny path, in the woodchipper, stuck in time, dancing into deed. It’s no match, a man...Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, feelings, love hurts, roses
Form: Prose

Premium Member Her Broken Heart
His heart was open…his allegiance to her was true! One day, he was murdered,and she felt as an icicle, all blue. How could she bring his souls song back? He died of a horrible..sudden, heart attack! She didn’t...Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, friend, loss,
Form: Rhyme
Train To A Broken Heart
I said I'm on a train to meet you, But you won't be waiting there, I look around the platform, I guess you really don't care. I used to ask for you to be here, But now I just want...Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, longing, lost love, love
Form: Rhyme
Love's Burning Lie
Growling harsh from back they say Turning souls to ashes she may I heard the glass split in thousands to tell The tale of fire, burning hundreds in hell But the one near the palace on ledge Holding the candle,...Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, 11th grade, beauty, betrayal,
Form: Rhyme

Pain And Broken Heart
The breast tumor can be Removed by scalpel What about the feeling in it It means your heart Is functioning well It's better to remove the tumor That not removing the feeling The heart can be tamed But not the tumor, it...Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, feelings, grief, health, life,
Form: Free verse
A Dog's Broken Heart
When it came to that dog's heart, his owner's death sure did break it. He lost his master and his best friend and he simply couldn't take it. He stayed at his owner's grave and he would...Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, death, devotion, dog, sad,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member How To Mend A Broken Heart
Best way to mend a broken heart: To fall in love again, make new start....Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, lost love,
Form: Crystalline
A Fool For Love
He walked the streets with charm, a handsome man so fair. But unaware of his own beauty, lost in his own despair. His heart yearned for love, a love he's never known. Searching in every face, in...Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, confidence, conflict, cute love,
Form: Romanticism
A Broken Heart
Gravity weighs down, Breathing becomes impossible, Lifeless, empty, eyes....Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, betrayal, death, deep, depression,
Form: Haiku
What a broken heart feels like
Is this what it feels like to be broken hearted Emptiness in your heart Your mind unable to slow down Coldness consumes your body Now I'm just an empty nobody Lies have always ruined my life One after the...Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, child, corruption, deep, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Heart Broken
Tears descend quiet Essence of your touch remains Heartache echoes still ...Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, heartbroken, love, sad love,
Form: Haiku
Broken Heart
In halls of learning, where hearts entwine, A student's secret love did forever shine. He'd gaze at her, with eyes so bright, But alas, his feelings weren't reciprocated in sight. His heart, a canvas, painted red with pain, A masterpiece...Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
I've always worked to unveil my true self, But some people are blind, It’s like describing the rainbow itself, To someone who is color blind. Some folks are worth leaving far behind, Neither linger nor waste your time; They're toxic, as...Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, emotions, freedom, hate, life,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member I gave my love to the Light
I gave my love to the Light I loved a woman very, and for so long, she didn’t accept my feelings of love; I lost everything Years have passed, and my life almost too, I lost my...Read the rest...
Categories: broken heart, fate, life, light, love,
Form: Free verse

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