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Bro Poems - Poems about Bro

Bro Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bro to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bro.
In Lieu of Soot
The world was my darkness The soot in my blackened sights I once cried in shallows Words entomed within my grave Dug with smiles merrit of fading sorrows My final morrows led by fate Towards the rejoicing of tomorrow. 3.11.23...Read the rest...
Categories: bro, childhood, death, dream,
Form: Free verse
I bet it's lonely Dark and cold I can imagine in your mind You fighting to stay alive On the outside, you look different Some are scared. I hate when people stare Because I know my brother is...Read the rest...
Categories: brother, mental health,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Yo Bro Sound It Out
Yo Bro Sound It Out/Tony Adamo Yo bro, you got to sound it out/ let the spoken words roll/ let yourself go/your words are in and out of the rhythm track/ It’s the downbeat groove/ man,...Read the rest...
Categories: bro, spoken word,
Form: Spoken Word

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

It's Okay
It's okay It's okay Not to be Okay It's okay to feel frozen in the midst, To feel trapped in the storm, It's okay to feel struck by a thunder To feel broken and unrepairable. It's okay It's okay to feel...Read the rest...
Categories: bro, courage, devotion, encouraging, endurance,
Form: Rhyme
BROS BEBETO'S BET Betting can tie you down like a sitting belt. And I can bet Betty's boyfriend's bet Mirrors how most of you beters felt. Betty's boyfriend bets, but the ticket bursts. "I'm getting this money o," he'll...Read the rest...
Categories: bro, 1st grade,
Form: Rhyme

Yooh Bro
Hey bro, Have you checked up on her lately Did you ever apologise for what you did Have you asked her friends how she's doing Bro, I know things are not the same as they were I know ...Read the rest...
Categories: bro, absence, anger, anxiety, betrayal,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Brother Knows His Bro
Grandpa will be playing that old guitar after he is dead This is said with a bit of delight, by my bad Uncle Ted. If he did not have those strings, he would not know what to...Read the rest...
Categories: brother,
Form: Rhyme
Mommee's Bro
Sweet lad wiht 'super powers' Dances on terrace of towers My pretty little uncle How gentle is his dimple In white shirt and black jeans He shows he 4133186's twins Cousin of future IAS So charming and cute thus..!!...Read the rest...
Categories: bro, angel, appreciation, art,
Form: Couplet
Big Bro
This is for my Big Bro. You and I never seen eye to eye Because you were taller than me We never been on the same level Because I looked up to you We never never had each others back Because...Read the rest...
Categories: best friend, brother, deep,
Form: I do not know?
Bro, You'Re Back
You're back in our lives, my brother… I am relieved, yet grieved like no other Darkness took you away from me cruelly Now, the light led you back to life thankfully You were extremely lost, alone and cold in...Read the rest...
Categories: bro, betrayal, courage, grief, hope,
Form: Rhyme
Veterans Bro Pentecost and Coleman Our Families
On Mission in South Africa, I am missed in Virginia Only the CHRIST family I belong to, can match with stamina The love of my sister Maureen, and her hubby Mr. Mothilal As I was surprised by the...Read the rest...
Categories: bro, absence, adventure, africa, age,
Form: Elegy
Let's Fly, Li'L Bro
Hush, hush, li'l bro, mama will come soon, Let's fly till then and touch the full moon, Hush, hush, li'l bro, just look at our hands, Let's fly together to far-off lands, Hush, hush, li'l bro, let's fly...Read the rest...
Categories: baby, brother, flying,
Form: Couplet
Bro Erano G Manalo Toward the Promised Salvation
E-lder Brother Eraño G. Manalo R-emains in the heart of the fold; A-s the second leader is now Ñ-inety-two years O-ld. M-onday morn January second A-ims to remind the flock; N-ot for an instant will she forget him, A-s she...Read the rest...
Categories: bro, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Sam My Bro
One cute photo in my family frame, That's my bro sam. In our childhood we have played game, Some outdoor and some indoor game. He is foody and eating jam , Looking fanny my bro sam....Read the rest...
Categories: bro, animal, art, , cute,
Form: ABC
Wedding Anniversary Bro Arnel and Sis Rosalinda Tumanan
A-nniversary of a wedding R-eminds you of God's paradigm; N-o longer two but one, E-ver true love of a L-ifetime. & R-ough seas and vile storms O-pen the door for strength; S-tanding by each other, A-ll the way till the...Read the rest...
Categories: bro, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic

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