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Bred Poems - Poems about Bred

Bred Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bred to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bred.
Premium Member Ginger-Bred Boy
A redheaded stepchild, he lacked savoir faire; seems all that he did brought his parents despair. He made them some gingerbread, did so with flair. Just for spite, he included some bits of his hair. ...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, nursery rhyme, silly,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member I Bred a Rose
I bred a rose of color rare And gave it to my lady fair. She looked at it disdainfully Then, laughing, tossed it back to me. No man, she said, her heart would hold Lest he applied for it with...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, romantic,
Form: Verse

Born and Bred of Words
Every word is the ethereal horse of fantasy... I ride them with tender folly to attract poetry... And so attracted i inhabit the blissfulness of life with sad joy, bitter contentment but with joyful lightness, sans agony! By thus living and...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, allegory, allusion, appreciation, extended
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Eddy Bred
Why won't mama go to bed Said Ned to Freddy Flake I don't think she has been fed There must be some mistake Freddy gives to Mama Eddy Children for her sake Eddy lives for Papa Freddy And their home to make Sunny,...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Born and Bred
Some words forever born inclined, others bred in shadows Verse conceived and left unread —to wander lost and fallow (Dreamsleep: April, 2020)...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, poetry,
Form: Rhyme

Higher Bred
Language builds a place to stand, inside our own cognition Each word confirms what thought instills, in psychic recognition Are you the true informant, about what’s inside your head 1st person self awareness frees —a nature higher bred (Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2019)...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, language,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Questions Bred of Dreams
Why should the streets of a city, the numbers more or less right come back in a dream on a night ...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, dream, loss, love,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Cross-Bred
They crossed a Nursery Rhyme with Dr. Seuss … What did they get? ~ Mother Goose!...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, nonsense, silly,
Form: Light Verse
I'M Justin Bred, Not Just Inbred
When I tell people that my name is Justin Bred, they think that I'm a hick with no brain in my head. Everybody who I know thinks that I'm married to my sister. When they see us together,...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, funny, humor, people,
Form: Rhyme
Soldier Born and Bred
Soldier Born and Bred He was an honorable soldier born and bred, Who into big battle many soldiers had led; With great honor and full of much dignity; We are here now to experience his eulogy. Cold casket by a...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, allegory, analogy,
Form: Couplet
Born and Bred
Goshen ghettofied, born and bred Yeah, I’m the teen darkie with the big nose and the nappy head Rolling with my homies on an asphalt bounce, with the music on blast Yeah, we’re the young darkies with the big lips ... American society outcasts As ministers...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, identity, perspective, racism, truth,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Souther Bred
Everything I have to say I say it with a nasel twang Mixed up with a Southern draw Cause that's the way that I talk ya'll Slow at walking in my gait To make a friend...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, fun, inspiration, life,
Form: Light Verse
The Fire That Bred You
Long after your beginning in dancing ancient dream, The ferocious fire that fought only to keep you warm Flickered my night aglow in sweet, loving longing Haunting me, the strange fire, The father and mother of your...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, beautiful, deep, destiny, growth,
Form: Free verse
Bred By Bread
Bred by Bread I was told in youth I was BRED by BREAD To eat and full my skinny frame And I ATE at least EIGHT slices of bread Until my hunger could be sated But there was some bread...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Monkey Bred In a Zoo
Once there was a little monkey bred in a zoo. The only place that it ever knew. happy and joyous dancing content where he grew. Many came and went but it never cared the staring crew. Once came a...Read the rest...
Categories: bred, loneliness, lost love,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry