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Bottle Poems - Poems about Bottle

Premium Member Message in a Bottle
Bottle shared with my mom’s bestie; and it was good to share old times; now even this is past times… The good times roll away, like an empty bottle… We’d laugh, discuss, until I had to go and Judy left with an “I love you.” The best thing said between...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, friendship,
Form: Free verse
Perfume bottle
I always wanted it to be you, there wasn’t anything in the world that didn’t want it to be that way too, it was always you, I thought about you more then anyone else, I...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, hurt, i love you,
Form: Rhyme

Masculinity in a Bottle
He walked into the room, commanding attention and my heart, the scent of him is like a drug, intoxicating me, controlling my every thought. A hint of musk and cedarwood, with a touch of leather, manly without being overbearing....Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, desire, men,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member ketchup bottle song
The refrigerator opened by itself tonight Weird because I had closed it good and tight Ketchup bottle fell out to dance along the floor We watched, expecting a few escapees more Maybe mustard and jelly would be along shortly And...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Me In A Bottle
A crazy, whacked out human/ With lost tendencies of life/ A reality unable to grasp/ Like water through a net/ Searching for freedom/ In my fantasy imagination/ Barbarian in strength/ With an overpowering/ Will to dominate/ Part Devil, Part Demon/ I am a whirlwind/ You can't...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, character, confidence, deep, emotions,
Form: Free verse

hide this bottle
Hide this bottle from me, That I could drink This Chateauneuf du Pape More tempting than the smile of a maid, this Saint Emilion sneaky Who has no saint but the name, Hide this bottle from me, This haut c$ote de Beaune, Straight...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, 9th grade, addiction, humanity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I open the jar of poems like a bottle of whiskey on a long night
I open the jar of poems like a bottle of whiskey on a long night, where the poet's whispers are raw and direct, a course of love in four acts, obsessions and (un)blamable loves writhe like cigarette...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
A Bottle on the Beach
I found it in a bottle on the beach. I bet they never imagined its reach. Someone who lives out in the sea. Someone who misses seeing a tree. They didn’t mean for it to be me to handle. This...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Magic Bottle Glimmers
One day mom gave me a bottle sparkling, bright fairy pixie lights swirled around me; all about my room sparkles encircling, the twinkles from the bottle were set free ! Mom, what a wonderful glimmering light, a golden glowing...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, nursery rhyme,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member To Bottle the 'Perfect Day'
Spring is gone, Summer’s fading in Fall's vanishing leaves, we are wading Winter seems a long way off, ...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, change, seasons, weather,
Form: Rhyme
The empty bottle
Inspired by Tom Selleck's character from the movie series, Jesse Stone. Brilliant cast. ?? ?? The empty bottle By Michelle Morris 04/08/2024 The empty bottle stares at him It has nothing left to give Yet despite all it's...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, community, courage, humanity, introspection,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member - Haiku X 331 - bottle green -
through...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, color, nature,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Ship in a Bottle
I was born to sail. I can hear whispers of the ocean calling me, but there are no tides upon this mantlepiece. I cannot set sail, trapped in this glass cocoon, collecting dust.. I am no resting place for...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, analogy,
Form: Personification
Message in a bottle
Take my hand don't let go I know is hard but I don't want to fall what's in your head? let me know messages in a bottle can travel the world. Jessica...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, feelings, first love,
Form: Rhyme
A bottle was found On the beach On the outside of it said I will teach You a lesson In life The words from your Ex-wife Who’ll fill your Life with Streiff ...Read the rest...
Categories: bottle, humorous,
Form: Rhyme

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