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Bloodletting Poems - Poems about Bloodletting

Bloodletting Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bloodletting to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bloodletting.

Real poets don’t make lasting friends they shun fraternity Their truth like gritty sandpaper abrasive when intoned The reader may be gratified with what the words uncover More likely though the pain involved — will cut them to...Read the rest...
Categories: bloodletting, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Why Did You Part With Bonaparte
Denying us a reply Does many faults imply: That you do wrong routes ply And don’t knowledge supply… Is it about bundles He lazily trundles: Appointments he had missed But remorselessly hissed? Was it that he had fought And more Bloodletting sought Or the...Read the rest...
Categories: bloodletting, absence, betrayal, break up,
Form: Rhyme

Twelver Bloodletting
Who believe to be alive, on this earth after death. Who crave fame, Rial or crown, hard to be a savior of mankind. Decisive fatwa from best findings, Grand Ayatollah blackclothed. Mourning in the morning, a lot of verses are...Read the rest...
Categories: bloodletting, death, memorial,
Form: Marsiya

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Bloodletting Is Not a Trifle
What he did to simple Mark With a sword Left him with a complex mark In a ward … Endless cries of “Oh! My lord “ “I’ve broken somebody’s spinal cord.” Before...Read the rest...
Categories: bloodletting, death, father son, violence,
Form: Rhyme
On Bloodletting
She is cutting again... The stainless steel razor is hope pressed against her skin She wants to stop but the pain eludes the truth. she will try to stray from the mutilation but the disease will call again until she...Read the rest...
Categories: bloodletting, depression
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things