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Blocs Poems - Poems about Blocs

Premium Member Fr - Je M'Adresse Au Mystere Du Temps
...Je m’adresse au mystère du temps, Es-tu mon ennemi ou mon meilleur ami? Je n’ai jamais réalisé avant ce moment que les enfants n’ont pas de conflit avec toi. On n’entend jamais un enfant se plain......Read the rest...
Categories: blocs, introspection, stress, time,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Fr - Les Petites Pepites De Temps Menent a De Grands Resultats
...Les petites pépites de temps mènent à de GRANDS RÉSULTATS je désirais accomplir une seule chose par jour je croyais avoir perdu la tête à la fin de chaque journée je ne pouvais comprendre co......Read the rest...
Categories: blocs, time,
Form: Free verse

Abominable Snowman
... That iceberg epidermal cold wasn’t skin mythical Mean vanilla bean uttering was hardwood cord, like a pirate plank board Arctic words, cryo breath abominable — Crystalline cruel vi......Read the rest...
Categories: blocs, allusion, imagery, symbolism, word
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Blossom Weed Soup
...please submit poems your feelings and or your thoughts appreciated try not to hold back writing is most essential get it all out now with a little help from the assimilated all weeds will......Read the rest...
Categories: blocs, analogy, appreciation, art,
Form: Haiku
Several of the Greater Nations
...Your suicide Wrests the act from the hand So that fire can envelop the bottle And skyward And bright And living Technicolour dances in extremes. We effervesce and burst We rise up and......Read the rest...
Categories: blocs, allegory, anxiety, conflict, fate,
Form: Free verse

No Free Lunch
...A scientist pursuing research— with disinterested curiosity, Poets distancing themselves— from personal emotions, from ‘personality’ (in Eliot’s idiolect), A sportsperson focusing on the event— ......Read the rest...
Categories: blocs, irony, satire, society,
Form: Free verse
Beware of the Year 20 Something
...Twenty one seven! Beware of this year! The numbers themselves should strike you with fear With global warming sea levels will rise Big brother is watching and plainly disguised Bird flu is spre......Read the rest...
Categories: blocs, environment, funny, humor, humorous,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry