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Bitmap Poems - Poems about Bitmap

I Discovered Miscellaneous Meaningless Hodgepodge
...I discovered miscellaneous meaningless hodgepodge... dating back circa: Age of computer antiquity mine signature worthless gibberish found Earthling dumbfounded for further waste of time inquir......Read the rest...
Categories: bitmap, absence, adventure, character, dream,
Form: Free verse
A Nation of Narcissists
...fumigated like stockade lice you Wall St. cologne jockeys would be 3rd World land fill recall that consciousness is tunable adjust your volume to a comfortable level because Turette's plus Alzhe......Read the rest...
Categories: bitmap, how i feel,
Form: Free verse

Ruminating Vagaries of Life May 2nd 2021
...Ruminating vagaries of life May 2nd, 2021 (conceived while in utero which loosely summarization in toto of this ordinary Joe Schmoe, who did wade nine months for a roe at mercy of obstetrician......Read the rest...
Categories: bitmap, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Vagaries of Life
...Biological copulation draws Easter egg, fecund gooey glommed gametes heralding zygote (adroit bitcoin currency) describing extemporaneous fusion generate hormonal influx juices kickstarti......Read the rest...
Categories: bitmap, angel, child, family, joy,
Form: Narrative
Vagaries of Life
...Biological copulation draws Easter egg, fecund gooey glommed gametes heralding zygote (adroit bitcoin currency) describing extemporaneous fusion generate hormonal influx juices kickstarti......Read the rest...
Categories: bitmap, allegory, allusion, baby, creation,
Form: I do not know?

Digital Cinderella
...Pixelated bitmap e-mares Digitized be mementos cached Her 8 bit vocal vintage freeware Transfers recurrent electric draughts The bitrate of virtual seduction Intrusively hacks my bones Taste......Read the rest...
Categories: bitmap, visionary,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry