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Bicameral Poems - Poems about Bicameral

Bicameral Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bicameral to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bicameral.
Premium Member ComPassion's Braver Angels
Impressive values, like love, claim resources that liberally breed ecological natural physically happy health and conservatively feed emotional spiritual mentally glad wealth. Oppressive disvalues like homophobia and racism and sexism and ageism and ableism and monoculturing disregard for threats of global anthro-supremacist ecocide, express what we are against because these are...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, anxiety, earth day, health,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Muse Speaks
When trauma lurks with upper hand, To know loss is to fear death of much-loved reputation and taxing self-respect. When therapy lends Her feminist sway to know and co-invest in life is to predict and cherish waxing love. For both these reasons, we send a significantly wrong message of...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, death, health, integrity, love,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Premium Member Inside Climate Mess
Inside monotheistic ego aware feeling outside polytheistic co-empathic These inside enlightened intuitions outside verbal empowering cognitions reflecting cooperative in-between positive co-relationship representing explicit wealth wants and implied health needs Win/Win co-relational regard awareness noticing all genetic roads lead back back back To outside EarthTribe stabilization inside four-dimensional whole system fractals Winters inside...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, earth, environment, health, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Green Keys For Redrusty Locks
Said the sacred green EcoFeminist to the hard and carnal red EgoPatriarch: If one's only ego-weapon is a hard erectile key then every perennial trauma will seem to be a locked and toxic traumatized closed up tight back and forth shut down with...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, culture, health, humor, peace,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Thanksgiving Dialogue
ThanksGiving advances Arising thoughts about boundary breaching risks and perennial partisan issues and deep listening opportunities. Perhaps only the Othering and Othered One Percent instilling in their children and future grandchildren that extended family meals are never an appropriate time or sacred space to speak of...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, humor, light, political, power,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Earth's Intimacy
Imagine your segregated ego identity becomes your primal sensory system perennially aiming toward 0-Zone peak experiential integrity Intimately aware all humane physical and verbal touchers and metaphysical nonverbal feelers Win/Win voiced teachers and polytheistic out-reachers ecologically surrounded by sacred, living lovely Earth's health potential for nurturing 1-Zone environment-nurturing choices Integral polyculturally resilient to...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, culture, earth, environment, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Left Getting Right Off and On
"The left hemisphere's assault on our embodied nature is not just an assault on OUR bodies, but on the embodied nature of the [sacred EarthMother] world around us." Iain McGilchrist, The Master and his Emissary, p. 440 The WhiteMale monotheistic privileged...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, allah, earth, god, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Therapeutic Climate
EarthMother grows impatient, despite her curiosity driven cooperative inviting polyculture reconnection with SunFather's Great White monotheistic climate of Patriarchal-Capitalist classroom activity RightHand saluting salutary competitions. Your historic move, S/He dissonantly defiantly intones, from sacred polytheistic peak experiences, inherently dipolar co-arising, not monotheistic judgments punishing bipolar sick people for manic/depressive original...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, culture, earth, education, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Earthtribal Worldview
Therapeutic political systems, like unpolluted oceans filled with healthy sea creatures, slowly evolve from cooperative thrival of polyculturally healthy nonviolent communication, anticipating co-passionate intent, for co-invested planning and co-operative green design Bicamerally balanced enlightened Either/Or Left yang dominant empowering Both/And Right yintegrally co-prominent four fractally dynamic seasons Sacred flow of...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, games, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member 7th Generation Reorientation
What have we learned? What is our big 20/20 revision takeaway from this win/lose zero-sum failure? To transparently cooperate for our most inclusive win/win health and long-term safety, economic and political and social and physical and mental health resilience From my own observation, probably colored multihued and complexly patterned by Integral...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, earth, health, integrity, light,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Divine Integrity
Integrity pursues a sacred polytheistic journey conjoining interdependent life While integrity's sacred potential remains a still emergent re-memory health-wealth salvific optimizing transcendent engoddessing EarthTribal progressive nonpaternal process Of wombs incubating co-passionate eternally timeless momentary being becoming united through humble-theistic multi-regenerational co-relationship, Both sacred We divine co-passioning secular...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, education, god, health, language,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member When Multiculturally Presiding
As no one never said about nothing, "Calling in human health care options might not imply calling out lack of Earth-wealthy choices." I could, possibly, but certainly not prudently, go all the way back back, Even further back, to European roots to StraightWhiteMale monoculturalism, Christian-Royalist monotheistic supremacy over educational dogma and development systems (not...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, earth, earth day, environment,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Perfect Imagination
Imagine universal win/win integrity confluent energy perfection Like global peace, a left brain expression right mind felt ideal value Challenging to not hear now not win/win feel here; not smell or tell, universally empowering and unitarian enlightening To swell across Earth's surface integral win/win cooperative healthy democracy imperative nonviolent communion superlative Restoring EarthJustice...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, culture, earth, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Why Systems Comfort
What do healthy systems, naturally spirited, ecologically enlightened and ego-politically empowered swell Wellness anthro-economic networks wonder, often wander around what do wealthy mindbody systems do when the Body squarely says "I'm doing all I can comfortably do" And the unsatisfied Mind asks "Why is my need for...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, health, integrity, passion, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Room At the Silent Cross
How could an established Muse sing and dance invisibly transparent? What could a mute Muse not sound like? Absence, without/within contentment Neglect, without/within benign compassion Divestment, with out/in co-investment history Loss, without/in gain Trauma, without/in therapeutic intent Dissonance, without/in harmony Risk, without/in opportunity Sadness, without/in gladness Negative,...Read the rest...
Categories: bicameral, easter, health, identity, integrity,
Form: Political Verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry