Best Thumbs Down Poems
Below are the all-time best Thumbs Down poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of thumbs down poems written by PoetrySoup members
Pollice Verso- Thumbs DownJean-Leon Gerome’s Pollice Verso pleases my artful eye
As a gladiator boldly stands thus alone
With foot upon a defeated soul
He awaits the Roman crowd’s reply
The great...
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thumbs down, art, christian, imagination,
Free verse
Thumbs DownStars can never guarantee
A movie will be good,
Nor can advertisements
Which come out of Hollywood.
Is it worth one’s time to see
A top-notch actor acting
In a...
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thumbs down, art,
Received Thumbs Downreceived the
thumbs down
was a hit and
miss that brings
it back to the
drawing board
of life once more
causing a much
needed change
in direction...
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thumbs down, change,