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Best Stressed Poems

Below are the all-time best Stressed poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of stressed poems written by PoetrySoup members

Too Blessed To Be Stressed
Now I see that the dice is cast
With each racing so fast
Everybody standing from afar
Waiting for the number that turns last
He might be lucky to...

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Categories: stressed, brother, cheer up, feelings,
Form: ABC
Stressed Desserts
S -ometimes life does not go as people planne ----------- D.
T - rouble follows if you use sweets to sooth--------------- E.
R - epressed feelings cause...

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© Judy Riley  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stressed, health
Form: Acrostic
Stressed Out
Stressed out.
Kids are crying.
Dog is barking
Phone is ringing
Someones at the door
Lawyer is on the phone. 
Tv is too loud.
Car won't start
Bike has flat
Husband yelling
Fell and...

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Categories: stressed, depression, funny, stress,
Form: Free verse

Too Blessed To Be Stressed
kissing sunshine
Praising God Now
one more exit and i'm here now
i am facing my last fear now
i may even drink a beer now

through the smiling forest...

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© Marty King  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stressed, god, growing up, growth,
Form: Free verse
I am very stressed today.
I sat at my desk today and kept thinking about all the things I need to do then made a list...

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Categories: stressed, confusion, funny, philosophytoday,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Stressed

Sometimes when things begin to close in,
I'd like to sit down and chill out,
Find someplace to just get away,
And refigure what life's all about.

Sometimes it...

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© Judy Ball  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stressed, family, inspirational, introspection, life,
Form: Quatrain

I should be depressed 
my relationship is in turmoil
i am finding it harder and harder to rest

Is this a test?
Immensely sifting through an inferno of...

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Categories: stressed, lost love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Stressed Out
stress syllables fill this song,and my feet maybe too long,

for ambiguity of rhythm I hold dear,so never fear..

if my poem makes you yawn,I'll soon return...

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Categories: stressed, on writing and words,
Form: Sijo
Serious labour,    we get boreD
Though the task, burdensomE
Real struggle...  they  oppresS
Enlivened thus,  our  progresS
Soon,  with us ...

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Categories: stressed, motivation, strength, stress, success,
Form: Acrostic

Another story hot off the press
Should you want to lower stress
Johns Hopskins research found a link
That somehow soon may raise a stink
Hydrogen Sulfide found in...

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Categories: stressed, health,
Form: Rhyme
Stressed Out
I am stressed out, to the point of no return
I need to be let free
But that is not happening
Everything is coming from each way
I can...

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Categories: stressed, life,
Form: Acrostic
Stressed Speeding Up and Rushed
Stressed Speeding Up and Rushed

Everything is speeding up and everyone is rushed,
Fear of criticisms and opinions from others in case the ego is crushed,
Your boss...

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© Ross Levan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stressed, depressionstress,
Premium Member Stressed
Overwhelming stress

Like a ton of bricks on her chest

It lingers like a pest

Much more complex than chess

She has no strength left to test

Her mind is...

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Categories: stressed, confusion, depression, introspection, work,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Stressed For Time
Rush...mad rush it's hearing the alarm clock go off,
       go into the kitchen and brew coffee
then turn on The...

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Categories: stressed, urban, work,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Reflect, Stressed To Reflect
Can it be oh so serious, or humerous to be believed
When one life's turns it's oblique corner, when life can so deceive

It's when you've looked...

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Categories: stressed, lifefather, family, family, father,
Form: Couplet

Book: Shattered Sighs