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Best Spinal Poems

Below are the all-time best Spinal poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of spinal poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member My Spinal Decompression Surgery
I'll never forget the date, the nineteenth of November
It's etched firmly in my mind, and I'll always remember
It was the day that I had my...

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Categories: spinal, care, caregiving, family, joy,
Form: Rhyme
Spinal Cracks
I think I'm falling in love with you....
But I still have to crack you open,
And it scares me.
You're like a dusty old book in an...

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Categories: spinal, absence, boyfriend, fear, how
Form: Free verse
Broken Spinal Cord
I got my butt kicked by a man who has very big muscles.
I was moving in on his girlfriend who is built like Jane Russell.

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Categories: spinal, boyfriend, funny, humor,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Spinal Implants
Spinal implants, by Gods bestowed
Everything’s ready made 
In each node, bliss throb has burrowed
Body, heavenly glade

In tranquil stillness slow 
Behold seeds of love grow
Secrets we...

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Categories: spinal, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Upon high seas a skeletal pirate with skulls 
floating round by threes ! lightning strikes ground 
with nothing to be found ore he disappears without

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Categories: spinal, art, fantasy, imagination,
Form: Rhyme
Spinal Run
the pain,
was not pain,
in the main,
till it climbed the spine,
and ran up there in mind,
it hit a spot ,
and from there distributed it got,
it was...

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Categories: spinal, life, peace, philosophy,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs