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Best Span Poems

Below are the all-time best Span poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of span poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Span of a Hens Life
The Span Of Life
 by Robert Frost           


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Categories: span, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Legacy Span

Daily my precious gift my one and only life
A life which someday may run old and dry
Everytime it's prick with knife and strife

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Categories: span, character, christian, imagery, inspiration,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Span of Life
A lifetime seen thru silence at your side,
          From tiny lad to manchild in your shade,

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Categories: span, appreciation, father, growing up,
Form: Sonnet

In the Span of a Moment
In the span of a moment
A word of caution
Destiny alters
Those fragile components

In a moment a seed 
Comes forth to fruition
Or it dies with no one...

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Categories: span, absence, depression, emotions, fear,
Form: Quatrain
The Life Span of a Child
Behold, Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. Psalm 127:3 

Children are faithfully a blessing from Lord God 

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Categories: span, children,
Form: Rhyme
Short Span Puppy Mind
Short Span Puppy Mind

Puppy sees a fly
Hears distant bark, forgets fly
Lies asleep under sun....

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Categories: span, animal, dog, pets,
Form: Haiku

The Life Span of a Child
Behold, Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. Psalm 127:3 

Children are faithfully a blessing from Lord God 

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Categories: span, children,
Form: Rhyme
For the Short Attention Span
Quick over there!
Before it’s gone!
A rhyme to share,
fair to look on.

But, oh! Shiny!
Glittering flash!
Some bright debris!
Pretty for trash....

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Categories: span, funny,
Form: Quatrain
Span of Time
“Span of time”

The moment when our first eyes meet I think Ill hold my breath
For hours gazing upon your face I long for nothing less

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Categories: span, lovelonging,
Form: Couplet
Spic, Spec and Span
great rivers are mighty
but we should remember
that snowflakes and raindrops
are how they began
the myrical myriad
falling eternally
full of great gravity
downward they ran
mingled by summertime
gathering gleefully
singing and...

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Categories: span, water,
Form: Rhyme
Time Span Not the Same
both sides of all eggs

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Categories: span, introspection, time, time,
Form: Haiku
Spic and Span Year

Like the chick breaks out of it's shell
Like a butterfly emerges out of it's cocoon
Like the painter with a clean canvass
Like a new born with...

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Categories: span, destiny, growth, new year,
Form: Personification
A Short Attention Span Poem
Time Warped into an era of emotional recluse---
Foamy white waves cover me like a riptide from hell ---
My body is alabaster, but my soul is...

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Categories: span, inspirational
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Our Life Span
How long will it be before we die
Many years before we say bye-bye
Be sure you see it all
Enjoy it have a ball
Don't let the good...

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Categories: span, endurance, life,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Infinity
The universe is infinite
Boundless and endless
But we men have limited life spans
As the extinction of some species
Like the dinausaur,the dodo 
And the passenger pigeon
But we...

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Categories: span, abuse, god, men, universe,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things