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Best Sensitively Poems

Below are the all-time best Sensitively poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of sensitively poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member My Melodious Muse
** I apologize, but if you're viewing this on a phone, it probably wont look right, as the browser page on a phone is not...

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Categories: sensitively, analogy, inspiration, love, metaphor,
Form: Concrete
Premium Member A Yarn of Sunshine
"I've got sunshine" 

This heavyweight wind
jiggles the chimes limbs hanging
a thousand sound waves invade 
visible radiation

Dark moonlight tempest
blunders off the mountain top

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Categories: sensitively, allusion, desire, earth day,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Courting the Sublime Significance of Nothingness
"Courting the Sublime Significance of Nothingness"

The blue lines ripple like waves
to the right side of the page
vacantly calm 

from the shallow depths 
of the ponderous...

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Categories: sensitively, bullying, poets, symbolism, word
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A Lion Looms Listless
A cold lion roams, doctrinaire and sterile,
The expanse of Africa offers him no sanctuary, the Saringehti no salvation,
He can only smell the scent of his...

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Categories: sensitively, character,
Form: Epic
The musician I never became
Singing the song I wish I wrote
I count the strands of my life
Here I am in a tag of war
Feelings of...

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Categories: sensitively, introspection, relationship,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pisces
Psychic mind, unlike a clairvoyant who often misreads,
Intelligent-- more intuitive kind-- than quantum theory,
Surprising to anyone who underestimates a dreamer
Creatively interpreting life, often an abstract...

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Categories: sensitively, emotions, symbolism,
Form: Acrostic

Finger Food
counting one to
ten this time thumbs
included but no matter
that she served them on
a silver platter i wanted none

standing on
wooden floor
boards i asked
her to sit and...

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Categories: sensitively, muse,
Excuse Me- No Inhaling
Whew! Here Goes One,
Parked At My Rectum,
Its Warm, Its Deadly,
I Can Feel My Face Sweat- Silently,
Oh What A Task,
No Excuses, As I Must-
Sensitively Reckoning The...

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Categories: sensitively, courage, funny, hilarious, imagery,
Form: Rhyme
Tie a Rainbow On Your Heart
Tie a rainbow on your heart

the power of eyes
like an arrowhead
keep focus on
beautiful colors

but a heart

than the eyes
give a birth
of a lust
to swallow all
the colorful...

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Categories: sensitively, heart,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Whereas
Savvy scientists scoff at the soul:
Can't poke it, prod it, pinch it, probe it
  ~ and clearly can't claim to contemplate...

an empirical, egg-headed, experimental

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Categories: sensitively, emotions, self, senses, sensual,
Form: Alliteration
David Death
David Death

David Death was strong but handsome, 
But he suffered from much discrimination, 
Because his beauty was shaded, unlit, 
Which found him called ugly and...

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Categories: sensitively, computer, death, desire, internet,
Form: Tail-rhyme
Premium Member Baby Boy Bradley
Mama Mable made music mellow with mood
But baby boy Bradley bellowed and booed
So sensitively she started singing sweetly
Yet the youngster yowled yearningly

Poor perplexed papa peered...

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Categories: sensitively, childhood
Form: Alliteration
The Almighty has created me an angel.
The mindlessness in me has changed me a devil.

When I have a beautifully sensitive nose,
Why am I unable to...

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Categories: sensitively, body, god, heart,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Listen To Many Cries
Wherever we walk in this world
never travel far before a sound
comes piercing loudly in your ear
our fellow beings cries so loud

Eyes wide open so ever...

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Categories: sensitively, cry, friend, life,
Form: Rhyme
Great Idea
This is a great idea, tee hee,
Good suggestions are so me,
Nuisance caller was asking me,
Money for her fundraising committee,
"Right," said little old chirpy me,
"You can...

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Categories: sensitively, angst, appreciation, giggle, humor,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things