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Best Sennacherib Poems

Below are the all-time best Sennacherib poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of sennacherib poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member A Letter To Dear George
Dear Lord Byron
Please don't be upset
I wish to call you George
With affection and respect

The "Destruction of Sennacherib"
I was introduced to your poem
I learned it word...

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Categories: sennacherib, appreciation, childhood, courage, freedom,
Form: Quatrain
Gomorrah Toys

Military maneuvers,
conducted by starship troopers,
make a Lot of king Chedorlaomer noise

Earhole space
penetrated by the Pentagon puffing pace ... 
stealth sound of smoke signals
Warning drumbeat signs...

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Categories: sennacherib, truth, violence, war, wisdom,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Now the Hungry Lion Roars For Release
Now The Hungry Lion Roars For Release!

Darkness, the wicked devil so well uses
Farewell to the muse, she went on vacation
She walks in beauty, yet her...

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Categories: sennacherib, appreciation, art, creation, inspiration,
Form: Sonnet

Assyrian Babbler

Emerald shiny baubles
attract wizard eyes ...
Balaam al-Oz
Assyrian acquisitions
be kryptonite-colored vanity
Ownership is an Alexandrian transaction,
a Grecian war rhetoric reaction
Gehazi greedy ... 
take all that your Philistine...

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Categories: sennacherib, history, identity, judgement, symbolism,
Form: Epic
We text love
Text we hate
We transmit feelings
Transmit we abuse
Don’t you kiss her textually
Only to amuse?
Sennacherib emerged on the banks of Nokianvarta
And with his royal-rage cellular

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Categories: sennacherib, change, humor, time,
Form: Free verse
Ill Wind Blowing
There’s a cult fever chill
in the Assyrian air
Coven chants of Rabshakeh croaks
are placebo heard
‘round the alabaster oval frond

Toadie tongues swallow
swarm of fly words,
a-blowing Nineveh ill

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Categories: sennacherib, bible, history, power, symbolism,
Form: Epic

Heed the Nineveh Calling

Underground bunker earworms
love to listen
to the Archie messaging
Rapt in their sheltered atomic blast,
dreamy past rewind,
they snore ignore 
their borrowed time destiny

On a seethe countdown crawl,

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Categories: sennacherib, dark, society, truth, wisdom,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Psalm of Loyal Love
"The 'Israel of God' is finished!
We have inflicted horrific wounds,
And we terrorize them further.
Their bodies are weak and brittle.

They are useless, broken jars,
Caught in the...

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Categories: sennacherib, bible, future, jesus, judgement,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Must-Read
What is logical
May not be biblical.
What is biblical
May not be logical.

Reveal man's folly!
Shame their wise!
His manifold wisdom- 
Hidden in a must-read.

For in it, He says,...

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Categories: sennacherib, bible, christian, faith, god,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs