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Best Secretly Poems

Below are the all-time best Secretly poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of secretly poems written by PoetrySoup members

Secretly Obsessed
Obsessed with the thought of you
wondering if it's only me or
if you sometimes remember the sweet things you've said
and if you meant them how I...

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Categories: secretly, adventure, confusion, dream, fantasy,
Form: Verse
Premium Member He Comes Secretly
Beaded tresses and silk kimono rustle with finesse,
Her geisha heels tapping restlessly on moist Yakasa weeds
From  an enchi...there he comes secretly, through groans of...

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Categories: secretly, mystery, relationship,
Form: Sijo
Premium Member Secretly Scary
When life gets secretly scary,
you search around for a safe place.
And try blocking reality
with tricks of imagination.

Your anxiety starts to climb
when life gets secretly scary.

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Categories: secretly, 12th grade, angst, anxiety,
Form: Quatern

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Silently Secretly To Soccer Game
Some forty or so years ago I told a lie
received a cousins wedding invite
in my early teens so didn’t want to go
being a Saturday soccer...

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Categories: secretly, memory, silence, sports, youth,
Form: Rhyme
Luscious Lips That Others Secretly Kiss
Fairest and prettiest of all queens, you're never faithful to your king whose hands
barely touch your luscious lips that others secretly kiss;
and you meet them...

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Categories: secretly, adventure,
Form: Sonnet
Silently Secretly Sealed
Silently Secretly Sealed

If you could see inside a fruitful flower
You would see what’s inside my heart
For my love for you blossoms every hour
As it did...

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Categories: secretly, love, solitude,
Form: Sonnet

A sniper was around.
I did not want to rush 
and kiss the jessamine.

Last night, it was a 
retributory offer
to put off the candle.

I am here...

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Categories: secretly, art,
Form: ABC
Secretly I Smile
Secretly I smile, 
Cause in my heart I know,
That everyday that passes by, 
Our Friendship grows and grows,
And even though I lust for you, 

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Categories: secretly, friendship, happiness, lost love,
Form: I do not know?
An Owl That Is Secretly a Bear
Swooping feathers soft and bright
hiding faces in the night
Softly swooping the owl has risen
attacking small creatures with perfect precision

But hark!What's this? It's beady stare
is no...

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Categories: secretly, funny,
Form: Quatrain
Secretly married to two women,
I'm a bigamist
And an optimist....

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Categories: secretly, funny
B28-P11-Secretly Loving You



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Categories: secretly, 9th grade, appreciation, car,
Form: Prose Poetry
Secretly Broken
The only man I've ever cried over
The only man I've ever loved
The only man I've ever cared for
And the crazy part is
We've never been together

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Categories: secretly, lonely, lost love, love,
Form: Free verse
Secretly Anxious
Sitting without slouching. 

And standing without shaking. 

Remembering that it’s ok to hesitate sometimes. 

If I take a breath-

They are not judging. 

In fact- they...

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Categories: secretly, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Talking to me is like
Opening the fridge
And grabbing a bite to eat.

Smelling my perfume is like
Remembering how familiar and sweet
Is your mamma’s scent.

Touching my hand...

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Categories: secretly, angst, lost love, love,
Form: Light Verse
Since Now I Shall Love You Secretly
Since now I`ll love you secretly.
And I`ll behave quite differently.
I`ll hide my heart, my love and pain.
I won`t tell you those words again.

There`s no use...

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Categories: secretly, girlfriend-boyfriend, hope, lost love,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things