Best Say What You Mean Poems
Below are the all-time best Say What You Mean poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of say what you mean poems written by PoetrySoup members
Say What You MeanThe news today is quite depressing
total unrest, is this a lesson
if strength is not found
then weakness is seen
leaders should be leaders
they must be prepared
strength is...
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say what you mean, political,
Say What You MeanDon't say you love me, if you don't mean it
Don't make a lot of promises you can't keep
Whatever you say please mean
Any promises you...
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say what you mean, dedication, love, poetry, trust,
Say What You MeanSay what you mean
Human spirit, man of the hour;
Mirror shatters, sun and showers.
Picture of youth lost in a fire,
Summer is gone, now is the hour.
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say what you mean, angst, me, peace, write,