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Best Judith Poems

Below are the all-time best Judith poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of judith poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Judith
Common nature born in we share
our teeth become the spear
we all put her in that chair

He never left, for she was considered like Job

All our...

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Categories: judith, anger, betrayal, bible, faith,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Of Judith and Inanna
For the accountant, the librarian, on this cold day
there is no revelation. He will go his own way
to the roar of the tinnitus in his...

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Categories: judith, animal, bird, day, fear,
Form: Verse
Trials of Judith
Judith was very intelligent, educated with high honors. Judith created a source of unbelievable knowledge through learning. Trials of Judith were not intellectual. Trials of...

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Categories: judith, inspirational, people, feelings, people,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Crystal Judith Kalyanarathne My Bubsy
Busby my love..
I.never realised how much you..
Until you left me with out a word..
Please where u are .. looking for you every where..

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Categories: judith, abuse, beautiful, beauty, betrayal,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Judith S
Judith S... my latest heartthrob in the group
She crosses my eyes, my heart does loops
Tickles my teeter totter
Call me a naughty plotter
But one day gonna...

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Categories: judith, friendship,
Form: Limerick
Enter Judith Phaedra
Enter Judith Phaedra 
with her Tarot reading doll
She stepped out of the canvas 
with a bleeding southern drawl 
Shell-shocked rats in alleys scamper,
looking for the...

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Categories: judith, evil, horror, woman,
Form: Rhyme

the rain of that night,
the plans of that day...
her beauty stop the rain as it rains
me wet.

not seeing her could have been...
but the strength of...

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Categories: judith, loverain, beauty, beauty, rain,
Form: Blank verse
My Darling Judith
My fingers brush aside the Sandman’s sleep as I awaken on this April dewy-morn, to find 
myself engulfed in an awe-inspiring ray-of-light…a comforting light, that...

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Categories: judith, deathwords, love, together,
Judith Beheading Holofernes By Artemisia Gentileschi
In the shadow of the night, a woman stands,
Her eyes, as chilly as the winter's winds,
Her hand raised high, a sword in her hand,
Her face,...

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Categories: judith, art, conflict, death, murder,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member Judith S
New friend Judith S has put a spark in my life
We get along famously like two jubilant mice
Thanks to our British mate
Our friendship did generate

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Categories: judith, appreciation, friendship,
Form: Limerick
Why Do They Call You Prudish Judith?
Hey Jude
I thought you were a prude
Hey Judith
I heard them call you prudish
Are you shy?
Is that the real reason why?
Hey Judith
Is that why they call...

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Categories: judith, girlfriend-boyfriend
The sky is White
The sea is Blue
But in my heart there 
is nobody as beutiful as you....

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Categories: judith, love, teen,
Form: Free verse
Experiences we all had,
But i'm here to show you that not all guys are bad,
Trust isn't bought or force its earn,
That is a lesson that...

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Categories: judith, love, teen,
Form: Free verse
Judith Wright and the Birds
I loaned the poetry book 
but haven’t got it back.
Thinking of it makes me smile
Though it is no longer mine. 

The birds were each unique.

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Categories: judith, bird, poets,
Form: Free verse
A favourite poet - Judith Wright
Birds behind 

A blue sky mirror,

Speak in metaphor;

The surfer riding waves

Feels liquid muscle.

You were a hologram maker, 

Lacquering layers - 
nature, humanity, God;

Composing a resonance


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Categories: judith, poetess,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry