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Best Immigrating Poems

Below are the all-time best Immigrating poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of immigrating poems written by PoetrySoup members

Titanic Forever
My father had been out of work for way too long.
At night, I often heard him and mom weep
Food was scant, but love was strong....

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Categories: immigrating, angst, business, fear, mom,
Form: Quatrain
Between Soul and Body
Why you seem sad?
How is for this moon to sadden?
Why pearls pour down from your eyes?
As the raindrops
What is the secret?
What is the matter?
What is...

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Categories: immigrating, body, friendship, girlfriend, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Permacultural Trust
The organic building of a coordinated artist
begins with reconstructing competitively clumsy LeftBrain technicians.

Whether learning to play the piano
or learning to communicate in some new language

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Categories: immigrating, art, birth, bullying, earth
Form: Political Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Who Turns Off This World
Who turns off this world? 
And makes my destiny between your hands
If you are a part of my dreams
I will never dream
You are all...

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Categories: immigrating, beautiful, beauty, girlfriend, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member God Hunt
Love murmurs in my ear that to be hunted
is infinitely more enviable than to be the hunter.

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Categories: immigrating, integrity, nature, passion, psychological,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Immigrants Gone Native
I suppose it isn't rather nice
to think of us this way,
but to the squirrels
and the trees,
the robins and the grasses,
human natures are Earth's great transitioning...

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Categories: immigrating, earth, environment, fear, health,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Breaking Through Nationalism
Yuval Noah Harari
suggests that Nationalism's
Big Three Nemeses are fear of
nuclear holocaust,
degenerative climate trends,
and Business As Usual disruptions 
of eco-politically salvific technology.

When I first read this...

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Categories: immigrating, caregiving, earth, health, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member EarthDay's Epic
Straight-lined radiance
spiraling gravity's view
Gravity pulls
in search of gratitude,

Radiance flies toward Exterior Light,
Gravity dances with Interior Night,
A flight of fancy dance.

Radiant birth reaches tender tendrils
toward touch...

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Categories: immigrating, earth, earth day, easter,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member No Killer Skills Involved
No skills involved,
just natural instincts.

No spiritual development skills, 
leftbrain worded messages 
about rightbrain instinctive 
indigenously multicultural 
yang-out/yintegrity resonance 

Like singing and dancing, 
sucking and...

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Categories: immigrating, art, education, health, heaven,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Guarded By My Purpose of Existence
The hands grabbing you tightly will never go unlock
the thoughts of losing you, liquefy the reasons of my living
my competitions of your love has strengthen

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Categories: immigrating, emotions, love, romance, romantic,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member Aunt Eartha's Winter Interview
What are your most winterish
critical trauma events
in these most recent
three millennia?

just my traumas?
Why not their corresponsive
for restoring EarthJustice?

Please go on
and on
questioning my questions
seemingly without...

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Categories: immigrating, dream, earth, integrity, nature,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member What's the Problem
What's the problem with homelessness,
other than the violence from which it comes
and toward which it further travels?

Why not ignore 
and grow tolerance
for the inevitability of...

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Categories: immigrating, health, imagination, integrity, love,
Form: Political Verse
What a wonderful day it was
When no one was watching the stars but us
Holding hands under the shiny sky
Watching the stars in each others eyes


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Categories: immigrating, imagination, love, sad, me,
Premium Member What's Usual About Business
Ask nurturers,
maybe even a doctor or two,

What's required for my long-term commitment
to re-invest
for necessary long-term resilience?

The answer,
seems sufficient
and yet not the sacred purpose
for resonating my...

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Categories: immigrating, business, culture, health, history,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Liberating Migrations
I was listening, last night,
to a sympathetic defense
for conserving liberal arts
and producing deeper and wider liberating sciences
including healthy democratic
politically empowering science.

Once again
I am hearing about...

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Categories: immigrating, earth, health, identity, integrity,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry