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Best Heigh Poems

Below are the all-time best Heigh poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of heigh poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Likeness Ssenekil: Part 1
*Image of Many Meanings by KWC.

Likeness ssenekiL: Part 1

(HOMONYMS: Homophones & Homographs)

He'll heal his heel.
They sow so they sew.
His aide aid with an ade.
You saw...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heigh, word play,
Premium Member Clown At the Abyss
“Nobody likes a clown at midnight.”       Stephen King


Darkroom abscessed 
with neon blush and black-blood —
sunken eyes...

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Categories: heigh, dark,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Footle-Go Slow
heigh - ho


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Categories: heigh, holiday
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member What Nunsense
painted in black from head to foot
like a mourner
why not a veil and snowy white
showy wedding gown
after all, nunsense knows
that we are the bride of...

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Categories: heigh, bible, christian, humor, marriage,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Darkness Taken for Granted
brighter afternoon
after the solar eclipse
four eyes put away
as couples are high-fiving
emphasizing  photographs

heigh-ho back to screen
first to post solar eclipse
along with the throngs
lucky strike of...

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Categories: heigh, today,
Form: Tanka
The Carrion Crow

Crows abound in the 
neighborhood and around the 
yard. Often in early morning a 
great, noisy caw-fest occurs. 

A carrion crow
sat on an oak,...

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Categories: heigh, animal
Form: Haibun

The Futuristic Christmas
No more suprises now christmas holds,
As day by day I’m growing old.
This I wish to confess,
Now christmas makes me pretty depressed.
I was fond of natural...

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Categories: heigh, christmas, fantasy, hilarious,
Form: Rhyme
Pirate Tale
To the ship they row
Pirates Pete and Bo
Sea prowess to show

Argh! They proudly crow
Greeting all they know
With a 'Yo-ho-ho'

Sea terrors, heigh-ho!
Stolen treasures stow
Overboard men throw


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Categories: heigh, child, childhood, funny, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Heart Healing Herbal
Hail I will a heart centered healing that can heat
Head, heart and hands and that’s why I heartily rhyme;
Heart it heals like holy herbal; he...

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Categories: heigh, heart, nature, poetry, power,
Form: Alliteration
Love Will Triumph
It took me time to embellish 
And long to reach you!

And there I stand confronting 
you and lionise,
Behaving uncontrived and 

And now you waste golden...

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Categories: heigh, betrayal
Form: Couplet
Only One Way
Ah, God, the way your little finger moved 
As you thrust a bare arm backward 
And made play with your hair 
And a comb a...

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Categories: heigh, art, history, sorry, heart,
Form: Villanelle
Nature Ho Ho Ho Don Quixote Lance
With a,
Heigh Ho,
Heigh Ho,
Heigh Ho

In defense of nature we go

Like Night's on Crusade

But i fear we will need

More than seven dwarfs

Unless they are standing on...

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Categories: heigh, slam,
Form: Free verse
Pain and Gain
While walking alone

Tears were blown

I can't resist

The pain I felt

My mind, say-so

Cry heigh-ho

And after this

The best of bliss.....

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Categories: heigh, bullying,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Snow White and the Eighth Dwarf
Mirror mirror on the wall she wants me so
but I am little and she is white as snow.
  In this tryst of small things

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Categories: heigh, humorous, nursery rhyme,
Form: Limerick
The Seven Dwarfs of Facebook
The Seven Dwarfs of Facebook

By Elton Camp

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off to Facebook they go
Each dwarf represents a type of person you know

Lonely the truth about...

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© Elton Camp  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: heigh, funny, life,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things