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Best Elongating Poems

Below are the all-time best Elongating poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of elongating poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member History Repeats Itself
I was an accomplished librarian, who took pleasure from written words,
As opera singers find their pleasure, in the halls where music is heard.

I was well...

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Categories: elongating, books, fantasy, history, imagery,
Form: Couplet
Bagheera - the Black Cat
Black softness nestles in his sheen so fab
as warm purrs vibrate his feline aura
Gash-like, a red neck-sash swings a gleaming
heart-shaped pendant, swaying a dangled flash.

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Categories: elongating, animal,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Blissful Sky Kiss
Solar Eclipse Kiss

Moon tumbles into the tunnel of mad tribulation.
Only in her dreams, her higher desires exalt into an empire from her orb of opulent...

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Categories: elongating, adventure, appreciation, bird, emotions,
Form: Alliteration

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Crepe Myrtle
Lost like unused syllables in unrhyming words
petals of frilled sorrow drip to the earth from weeping trees, 
crying each filigreed petal slowly, one by one,...

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Categories: elongating, flower, tree,
Form: Free verse
Boomerang - 5 Stages of Poetry
as my pen positions itself
between my fingers  and pillows itself on my hand…
…I know not why I write and still I’ve got to take...

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Categories: elongating, on writing and words,
Form: Free verse
Swan Lake
Swingers of drenching waters
Drifters of fini coasters

Skating on lines of lakes and rivers
Dancing as spiral rafters

Bowing down before the sunny skies
Elongating wings of frozen cries

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Categories: elongating, bird, joy, peace, water,
Form: Imagism

I am scrolling down hill,

folding the pills,

elongating the tree's
and simplifying the breeze,

I am a song to be played-

earlier than you might say
in the day,

when hearing...

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Categories: elongating, anti bullying, baptism, fate,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Bureaucracy
Bundle of rules elongating the short distance between a problem and its solution
Unnecessary layers compulsorily placed on a mounted ladder with very few steps
Road expectedly...

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Categories: elongating, angst, business, career, social,
Form: Acrostic
Stolen Laughter
When you see the mouth elongating
And the tongue diving between the teeth
Like the tongue of a hunting chameleon
Then you are sure this is stolen laughter


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Categories: elongating, allegory, baseball, philosophy,
Form: Sonnet
Starry Night
Starry moonlit sky
elongating two shadows
against the lagoon...

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Categories: elongating, nature, peace, seasons,
Form: Haiku
Ethereal Morning
Seasonal precipice
eErie haze, becalm water
elongating obscurity
promisingly adorned cirrus
tinged fuscia, luster
Ascending radience


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Categories: elongating, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Landsbyen -Into the North- An Epic Poem 87
“I don't know anything about that.  I just do what I must.”
Bréagán's smile was sad but understanding.  He knew what it was like...

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Categories: elongating, christmas, fairy,
Form: Epic
No one likes you.
We hate you.
No one loves you.
You might as well go kill yourself.
No one will even miss you once you're gone....

Why tell someone...

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Categories: elongating, anti bullying, universe,
Form: Free verse
Triple Time
Time’s scorched peach, spread syrupy soft
rolling thick then thin its umber, gossamer
Inside a dome gone silent, beating bacchii
pulsated a slow awakening like oozing sap
lazily rolling...

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Categories: elongating, sunset,
Form: Free verse
In a Dream With a Daisy In a Daisies Garden In Dream Land
I dream of you my beloved Daisy, you were of such flagrant colour
Your fragrance filled the air, as the rays showered on you in downpours

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© White Sage  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: elongating, angel, beautiful,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry