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Best Eid Poems

Below are the all-time best Eid poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of eid poems written by PoetrySoup members

Baqreid the 2nd Eid
This day to celebrate the supreme sacrifice
of the ancient prophet Abraham
This day to ponder and reminisce
that divine substitution of Ismail for a ram! 

This Quranic...

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Categories: eid, celebration, faith,
Form: Tazkira
In Ramadan and To Eid
RAMADAN is making song
As we waiting so long
So the joy is every where
 smile on every face no tear
So the Eid what we wait and...

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Categories: eid, seasons,
Form: Limerick
Mubarak Eid
All sins gone without bargain and bid,
All fasting souls are now new born kid,
Alhamdulillah for all assistance and aid,
Eidul Fitr brings to all a big...

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Categories: eid, allah, religion,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Eid Crescent
“Are you sleeping still on Bed? 
Have a view of gift ahead, 

Oh, the Eid crescent is above your head, 
May this beautiful eve turn...

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Categories: eid, character, crazy, earth day,
Form: Canzone
Ramadan Mubarak With Eid Ul Zuha
The Month of Blessings and Happiness :
Muslims around the world cheer,
Allhamduillah,Ramdan is here!
Ramadan is a month whose beginning is Mercy,whose middle is forgiveness,And...

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Categories: eid, celebration, vacation,
Form: Free verse
Eid Greetings 2011
It rained THIS year around Eid.
Rained both, clear... and blood.
And the land was cleansed by the following morning.

(For those unaware, Eid is a religous festival...

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Categories: eid, death, faith, loss, people,

Eid Ul Azha
Eid ul Azha 

Eid ul Azha takes place on the 10th of Zil Hajj.
Eid-ul-Adha marks the end of Hajj, the sacred pilgrimage to the Holy...

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Categories: eid, celebration, vacation,
Form: Epic
Eid Mubarak
In these colors, do you see red out there? 
And in red, do you need strength? 
Are you someone needed to be mightier? 

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Categories: eid, hope,
Form: Free verse
The custom of sacrificing halal animals
On the day of Eid-Ul-Azha
Derives from a fact of
Prophet Abraham and Prophet Ismael
Which is known to many people
Across the globe.


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Categories: eid, faith, inspirational, philosophy, religion,
Form: Free verse
It's Eid Al-Adha
I went to observe Solat for Eid al-Adha. 
Prophet Ibrahim's supposed sacrifice- his son to Allah--
Such outstanding faith in town, 
That spares every household firstborn....

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Categories: eid, africa, age, allah, art,
Form: Rhyme
Dear heart let it go
Don't be stubborn
Eid is a name of joys
Glads've no relation with us
We're sorrowful and wistful
This Eid is not for us
Our clothes...

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Categories: eid, dream, emotions, literature, lost
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things