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Best Dates Poems

Below are the all-time best Dates poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of dates poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member If We Knew Our End Dates
If we knew our loved one’s end date
would we be nicer?

Spend more time listening?
Give hugs more often?

Fix them their favorite foods each day?

What if we...

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Categories: dates, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dream Dates
Dream Dates are never dreamy, because of their perfection,

Not dreamy from strict parenting, or Natural Selection;

Quite simply Dream Dates are so, because they put us...

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Categories: dates, best friend, blessing, character,
Form: Limerick
When a Poet Dates a Poetess
When a poet dates a poetess;
They all go insane of words to use,
They may have no time to make love.
Poet here, poetess there, back to...

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Categories: dates, abortion, abuse, anti bullying,
Form: Narrative

Of All the Dates
Of all the dates in history,
Today’s, to me, the worst.
Whenever it rolls ‘round, through time
I’m instantly transversed.

The bright blue sky, the tiny planes,
The crash with...

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Categories: dates, remember,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Expiration Dates

We’ve all got inspiration dates,
But we can only guess at when.
From first breath ‘til the end,
Our lives were pre-measured by the Fates.


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Categories: dates, death, family, friendship, love,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Persnickety About Who She Dates
She is persnickety about who she dates if I’m not mistaken.
We have brought her many contenders, but nothing has taken.
She likes looking for herself, her...

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Categories: dates, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Blind Dates Lead To Something Great
Site profiles and blind dates
Trying to meet someone great
First talks on the telephone
So you will not be alone
Nervous and afraid at first
Your heart is about...

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Categories: dates, future, happy, hope, love,
Form: Rhyme
Why Elton Only Dates Christians, Part I
You want to know who that guy is back there?
That’s Elton Briggs, and I have to say,
hot as you think that man may be,
you would...

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Categories: dates, abortion, baby, loss, men,
Form: Narrative
Clock That Dangle In Dates
Clock that dangle in dates
Kept me in wait.
The key that hanged in door lock 
Handcuff me in whimpering.
Rain which mirrors in earth face
Burden me in...

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Categories: dates, leaving,
Form: Free verse
No More First Dates
Hair all bedraggled
And soaked to the skin
Stood there in odd socks
But a million pound grin
A plate full of food
Is eaten in a hurry
"Leave the washing...

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Categories: dates, love,
Form: Verse
Too Young For Dates, Too Old For Dolls
On a silver eve
The moon aperch lavender walls
Silver slivered through black-green vines.

Little girls cross-legged
On a dutch-girl quilt spread
Dreaming one and one.

Will he find me? My...

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Categories: dates, dream, girl,
Form: Light Verse
Date is eating,

All days!...

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Categories: dates, day, life,
Form: Light Verse
What a taste,what a taste these dates?
The fruit not from desert but heavens gates,
Old and date back from ancient the dates,
In rich taste the fruit...

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Categories: dates, fruit,
Form: Blank verse
Prom Dates
Year 11 is awful, exams draw near,  
GCSE's, coursework make my future unclear  
But all thoughts of exams are gone,  
My Priority...

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Categories: dates, school,
Form: Bio
Dates and Courtships
Today, I had the pleasure
honor and delight of finding you
like a savored breath of ocean air
as though there is a tide that runs north to...

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© Floyd Neal  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: dates, cute love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things