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Best Blears Poems

Below are the all-time best Blears poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of blears poems written by PoetrySoup members

A Dream Replayed
Many of my sleep dreams do fade
Like the soaring birds in flight,
But there's one that seems replayed-

I inherit a house from who knows who.
Old furniture...

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Categories: blears, dream,
Form: Rhyme
Millions of Light Years

The sap from a pine smeared
Onto clothing made from hides of deer

Not all organisms and lifeforms cry tears
Across a dark and bright sphere
Objects quite near

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Categories: blears, poetry, rap, word play,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Get Ready - So Many- Gone
So many- gone before us these past years-
dear friends and family have left our side,
to whom we said goodbye with heartfelt tears.

We shared such joyful...

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Categories: blears, age, death, family, friend,
Form: Villanelle

Time and Its Daughter
Time and its Daughter
I love your face and your face loves itself 
For its perfect nose, green eyes and rosy lips
And your fragrance has a...

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Categories: blears, confusion, dedication, fantasy, history,
Form: Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things