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Best Betray Poems

Below are the all-time best Betray poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of betray poems written by PoetrySoup members

How Selfishness, the Self Did Betray
How faithfully I gave you priority 
I even built you a Queenly home
As the centerpiece of my Life.

How reverent I was to your desires
I even...

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Categories: betray, confusion, devotion, growing up,
Form: Free verse
Last dance of boiled blood 
Trhough viens runs on the ground
I would  not say I am sad
I curse just all around   ...

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Categories: betray, death, recovery from...,
Form: Ballad
I Trust My Heart Not To Betray Me
They say greed comes over with power
All corrupt powerful people had kind hearts
But they couldn't overcome selfishness
And the kind hearts vanished like the wind

They say...

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Categories: abuse, betrayal, corruption, violence,
Form: Free verse

On Behalf of a Broken Heart Love Will Betray Us All
Why does my life feel staged, I loved and now I am enraged
Am I the bachelor or the bachelorette I have not figured out love...

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Categories: betray, lost loveme, pain, love,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Darkness Will Betray You
Dancing in the dark,

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Categories: betray, death, depression, life, recovery
Form: Senryu
Betray a Poor Man
Once you betray a poor man
(His state may not change though),
Your heart is started to be called his kind....

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© Dora Rochi  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: betrayal, heart,
Form: Free verse

Betray Mute

       Essentially noble
 mine honorable  resolve
        became moot
 when hern shared...

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Categories: betray, passion,
Form: Free verse
Betray Me Not
Long ago through circumstance, the Father sent his son, 
to save and serve all of us from the damage we had done.

Born of the flesh...

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Categories: betray, bible, blessing, humanity,
Form: Rhyme Royal
Those Who Love Us Most Betray Us the Worst
Reflections of a reality that is paved 
With a dark thread of blood
A flood of uncertainty that sparkles a deep truth!
Those who love us most

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© Mark Frank  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: betray, life,
Form: Free verse
We Place All Our Faith In God
I have this new found strength
Presence like the flow we have come to know
The peace I feel from this very real ordeal
That Satans player tried...

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Categories: betray, anxiety, bullying, dark, hurt,
Form: Rhyme
Betrayed Trust
Wrath shortening my breath, tendering my pulse
Her, walking across the class to kiss the friend I lost
Shame on him, to give up my trust for...

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Categories: betrayal, conflict, confusion, depression,
Form: Ballad
I Think You Better Rethink It
You know I would never tell anyone
Last time either one of fell from our word
Was a decade or so ago
I believe we both have grown

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Categories: betray, care, confidence, dedication, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
To Err Is Human
If you love 
why would you lie 
why would you cheat 
why would you betray 
why would you go astray 

Is it for love 

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© Adl Of  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: betrayal, life,
Form: Free verse
‘Tis a tingle at the tips of thy lips where I shall plant a kiss,_ 
then slightly lick the curves and slopes of their mounds...

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Categories: bereavement, best friend, betrayal,
Form: Dramatic Verse
The Man In My Heart
I always wanted to fall in love, 
To make my heart suddenly beat faster, 
To connect the colors of life, 
With the melody of love...

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Categories: betray, heart, life, me, men,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things