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Best Begged Poems

Below are the all-time best Begged poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of begged poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member When Thirsty Earth Begged Its Brother Sky
When Thirsty Earth Begged Its Brother Sky

When thirsty Earth cries, for much needed rain
Sky beams ever brighter, said not again.
Why cry thus to me, ask...

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Categories: begged, art, earth, humanity, memory,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member I Begged You To Stop

You see me already sitting at the corner
heads down unto folded arms, bent on knees...

When tears and cries, all that left...

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Categories: begged, abuse, children, parents, relationship,
Form: Prose Poetry
Honesty Begged An Answer
Honesty begged an answer
from me it asked impossibility

Forgetting my  place within time
I spoke the truth, almost benign

Thunder split the world within
First a crack then...

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Categories: begged, poems, poetry, poets,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Limerick: Once An Orphan Begged At the Town Hall
Limerick : Once an Orphan begged at the Town Hall

Once an Orphan begged at the Town Hall
The Mayor thought he had better bawl
So he had...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: begged, abuse, anger,
Form: Limerick
I Begged For You
I sit on this park bench rain pouring down,

people hurrying by, with umbrellas up

going to and from the shops in town,

sitting here with my dog,...

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© Roy Pett  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: begged, devotion, i miss you,
Form: Rhyme
Begged Possession
The light was dim, the corner was damp
In the darkness sat a beggar
An empty bowl beside,with a small lamp.

The clock on the tower was showing...

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Categories: begged, blessing, emotions, feelings, happiness,
Form: Rhyme

Cried and Begged
My eyes cried and begged
Just as gulls begged 
When missed the last wave  
Flew high and absent 
Behind the frontier 

My eyes cried and...

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Categories: begged, longing,
Form: Free verse
Honesty Begged Answer
HONESTY begged an answer 
from me it asked impossibility 
Forgetting my place within time 
I spoke the truth -- almost benign

Thunder split...

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Categories: begged, art, beautiful, poems, poetry,
Form: Free verse
I Begged the Night To Stay
Sassing the night
As it took flight.
"Too soon!" I cried,
Yet it did not linger,
Drifting into dawn,
Soon you were gone...
The dream ended!


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Categories: begged, music,
Form: Rhyme
Begged, Stolen and Borrowed
I don't havea clue where I'll be tomorrow,
Feel I'm living on time begged, stolen and borrowed.
This path I am on as it twists and it...

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Categories: begged, angst, confusion, depression, introspection,
She Begged Him No
She begged and pleaded for him to let go
"You're hurting me," she said, and he said, "NO!"
She begged and pleaded for him to please quit

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Categories: begged, angst, depression, sad, for
Premium Member I Begged Her
Our art teacher was half our age
He had his job because his father was Hubie,
As head art teacher.  
Our guy, Mr.D was a newbie...

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Categories: begged, 12th grade, 4th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs