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Best Appositions Poems

Below are the all-time best Appositions poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of appositions poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Hard To Be Green
It's hard to be Green
in a Red v Blue drama scene

Hard to be heard
and seen
when the Blues
say the Reds
are too mean
and the Reds
find the Blues

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Categories: appositions, garden, green, health, humor,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Two Wrongs Against a Right
If your story
and history
or herstory,
is wrong,

If wrong is negative,
If right is positive,

When do two historic
two cultural
two personal
two political
two familial
wrongs make it right,
just as double negatives...

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Categories: appositions, culture, earth, humor, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member The Lorax Sequel
I took the only seed of hope
for any future healthy Truffula Trees,
but reminded my clinically depressed acquaintance
we are all born co-redeemers,
not addictively incubating extractors.

Ours is...

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Categories: appositions, earth, environment, integrity, love,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member What Goes Must Come
"One who does not know
really knows,
and one who knows
really does not know."

Squirrel medicine
under-stands external relations

of stimulus leads to response
leads to ever competitively hoarding stimuli
toward ever...

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Categories: appositions, health, integrity, native american,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member A New Dawn
Theoretical abstractions,
reductive hard word choices,
to describe and prescribe spiritual experiences
are unsatisfactory for daily consumption and absorption
as they reify exceptions to your Business As Usual,
which is...

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Categories: appositions, deep, destiny, earth day,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Perfect Balanced Pitch
Imperfection is the mirror of perfection;
opposites reveal each other.
Rumi (M Mafi translation)

Dissonance is the non-polynomial mirror of confluence;
opposites unveil each other.

Ego-suffering grows the anti-relational mirror...

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Categories: appositions, earth day, growth, math,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Premium Member I Ain'T Feelin' It
Could what a political scientist would call
deeply held belief
also be what a psychologist could identify as a
feeling of affinity or aversion,
trust or distrust,
confluent familiarity or...

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Categories: appositions, culture, freedom, health, humor,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Wind Whispering
Mentors with the BeeTrees

From NorthWinds
come darkening winter
as newborn discontent
waiting to spring forth.

From SouthWinds
come summer's diastasis
climax of full-born wisdom,
contentment for and from all four directions
spread across...

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Categories: appositions, happiness, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Permaculture's Political Lexicon of Grace
rooted in economic capacity and political experience 
within a co-empathic nutritional environment;
like before you came out of Mom.

rooted in deep listening, learning, and, giving-and-taking, 

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Categories: appositions, beauty, earth, education, health,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Divine Co-Op
Yang: What is the difference between a theist and an atheist?

Yin: A bicamerally balancing eco-teleologist.

Yang: Well, so what's that; an eco-teleologist?

Yin: You, if you believe...

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Categories: appositions, environment, games, humor, identity,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Cooperative Starts
Who wants to join a sacred cooperative
with both divine and humane purpose,
secular meanings
with organic liturgical rites
of seasonal passage?

who would not
should ego's veil descend
like commodified energy's...

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Categories: appositions, caregiving, earth, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Variations On a Harmonictheme
Children are Fundamentalists

Children are literalists,

When they hear
“You’re filthy and you stink!”
the younger they are,
the less likely to hear as a mature adult might,
“You have a...

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Categories: appositions, health, love, peace, philosophy,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Mindfullness Class
OK, mindful class,
past time to reopen our nurturing nests,
our nutritional mouths
and good-natured ears
and fertile reverse reserves
of not Lose/Lose
EarthMother Health-Wealth Care.

we define our variables,
bilaterally co-arising
bipartisan dipolarities


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Categories: appositions, appreciation, education, health, humanity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Omega Order Evolves Alpha Law
Humane destiny erupts with Alpha Yang 
and divinely reposes with Omega Yin,
a bookending closure pair

Waiting for each life system 
and love sequence
to complete this co-identity...

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Categories: appositions, analogy, culture, life, natural
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Preparing Love's Ways and Means
So, love is good for you?
Not too traumatic?

In a foreplay
Win-Win kind of way,

Now what?

Maybe some music and stretching?

How about another dance?

Sacred MotherEarth,
you wear me out.


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Categories: appositions, caregiving, earth, education, health,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things