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Best Appealingly Poems

Below are the all-time best Appealingly poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of appealingly poems written by PoetrySoup members

Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions versus words
Actions speak louder
Louder is figurative
Louder is expressive
Figurative language is effective
Figurative does not truly speak
Effective is deeply important
Effective is walking...

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Categories: appealingly, student, teacher, words,
Form: List
Let me take you on an adventure,
Through insanities doors, to the land of dementia.
I guarantee you will be spellbound,
While holding on for dear life, riding...

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Categories: appealingly, imagination, places, me, me,
Form: Rhyme
The Boatman's Song 9/ Many
The Boatman’s Song       9/Many

After taking some passenger, the boatman moved his boat
And while oaring the boat he started his...

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Categories: appealingly, life, love, musicheart, song,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Premium Member Stolen Piece of Time
behind the camera 
scenes comes to life
click of the shutter
opens to capture the light

eye distinguishing
yielding lights and shadows
in black and white
a stolen flawless piece of...

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© Eve Roper  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: appealingly,
Form: Free verse
At once she paid a visit. In her colorful dress, so revealing and appealingly suited to her slendern torso. I to gaze the door way,...

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Categories: appealingly, appreciation,
Form: Prose Poetry
The Last Word of a Paragraph Falling In Flames
Tears that are never acknowledged suddenly take precedence unexpectedly within nocturnal callings
hidden wounds long festering never acknowledged sliced openly are silently hemorrhaging fears  

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Categories: appealingly, anger, conflict, courage, dark,
Form: Free verse

Comely Saracen
Veiled beauty so homely, so chaste
Purging-black your crown doth baste
Cloistered mantle throttles your solemn waste
Erudite cloak exhibits subtle, stolid taste

Sensual nature appealingly encased
Your virtue, fealty...

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Categories: appealingly, romance
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Twinkle, Twinkle
I have a reputation to maintain
and a demanding job description.
I must twinkle appealingly,
enhancing the romantic
evening of lovers who
gaze at the sky while
wishing on ME. 

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Categories: appealingly, love, star,
Form: Etheree

Book: Shattered Sighs